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5. März 2011 um 15:32 Uhr #246795
MitgliedIn der Popcorn Nr. 4 ist ein Poster von House.
6. März 2011 um 10:26 Uhr #246817Anonym
Gastwas für eins ?:peace:
6. März 2011 um 11:11 Uhr #246822jane5
MitgliedDas hier:
6. März 2011 um 12:28 Uhr #246825Anonym
Gastahhh…:lächeln: danke…:Augenzwinkern_2:
20. März 2011 um 23:25 Uhr #247557Violett
Teilnehmervicpei aus dem HHOW hat eine Übersetzung von einem Interview mit Hugh Laurie gepostet: House’s House of Whining :: View topic – Homina, Homina, Homina: Hugh Laurie
Die schönste Zeile des Interviews ist für mich:
… Then a lovely bit about his wife : « Without the love of my wife, I’d be lost. » …
Hugh Laurie’s Meinung zum Thema Huli:
… Right now, what I fear the most are the notoriety’s side effects. For exemple, fans who think you are a real doctor, or you are limping for real, or you really made love to Lisa Edelstein. …
Fazit: Hugh Laurie liebt seine Ehefrau und fürchtet sich vor den Huli’s.
Der, für mich, lustigste Teil des Interviews:
… When will you second book be released?
I knew you would ask me! Are you in cahoots with my editor? Did he told you to ask this? I am very embarrassed. Please tell him that I already spent the money he gave me for this second book. With my work schedule on Houes, it is hard to concentrate on this. You know, a first novel is easy, because you have a lot to say. The second is way more difficult. I would love to go straight to the fourth one. I would have a lot less apprehensions!
P.S.: hier findet ihr eine Übersetzungshilfe, für den Fall, dass ihr ein paar Wörter noch nicht kennt: dict.cc | Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch
20. März 2011 um 23:44 Uhr #247558es_doro
MitgliedVielen Dank dafür! Also deinen Zitaten habe ich dieses hier noch hinzuzufügen. Das macht ihn mir noch sympathischer :lächeln::
On a promo shot from season 7, you are holding a red heart-shaped lollipop with « Love sucks » on it. True?
I am not involved. House has his theory on love. I have mine. Without the love of my wife and family, I’d be lost. Love for me is a GPS, it gave me confidence and saved me from self destruction. I would rather have written « love is complicated » on the lollipop, but it was too big. We would have needed a bigger lollipop and nobody would have seen me behind.
21. März 2011 um 0:02 Uhr #247559Anonym
21. März 2011 um 18:48 Uhr #24757421. März 2011 um 21:07 Uhr #24758524. März 2011 um 17:32 Uhr #247759Kathrina
MitgliedVorsicht, jede Menge Spoler drin! Nicht anklicken, wenn euch spoilerfreies Gucken lieb ist.
Wer allerdings gut Eglisch kann, ist meistens eh verspoilert bis zum geht-nicht-mehr.
11. April 2011 um 19:24 Uhr #248172Violett
TeilnehmerAsk Matt: The Killing, House, NCIS, Idol, Army Wives, Grey’s and More! – Today’s News: Our Take | TVGuide.com Achtung: sehr hohe Spoilergefahr!
Question: Are you (or is anyone else) getting as annoyed at — and tired of — House as I am? The show has been on for seven seasons, but it seems like watching the last two episodes (jumping off the hotel balcony, and then getting married) was like watching the first season. It’s the same old thing. A mystery disease of the week which usually gets resolved so quickly I sometimes have to „rewind“ to find out what it was and what the cure was (if any), and in the interim it’s House’s same old Vicodin-addicted, malicious abuse toward anyone and everyone. It was novel the first season, but I like to see characters evolve a little bit over time. I was encouraged at the beginning of season 6 when he was detoxing, and Andre Braugher was excellent as his shrink. I was really interested to see if they couldn’t take the character in a different (better) direction. My husband even started watching again (he’d bailed after season 1) when House turned half human. But as soon as the nastiness and abuse started back, he bailed again.It seems like the writers are one-trick ponies on this show. They can’t seem to get past his being nasty, malicious and manipulative of everyone around him. And when he got married a week or so ago, I almost had a headache from all the eye-rolling at his antics. He really out-a-holed himself! As far as I’m concerned, this show has run its course. I don’t really care if it gets renewed, as I don’t think I’ll watch anymore. But there are just too many other shows that seem interesting to waste any more time on the same old crap from House every week. The show is either long overdue for a serious character makeover, or it’s run out of creative gas: maybe both! Hugh Laurie is a better actor than that, and Lisa Edelstein, Omar Epps, et al., deserve better. I can’t be the only one who notices this, can I? — KC
Matt Roush: I’m sure you’re not. The ratings for House are still solid enough, but not what they used to be. And what you’re describing is the sort of fatigue that often sets in with any long-running series, especially one as formulaic as House (in the medical mysteries, at least). House gets knocked from all sides, though. When it changes things too drastically, like firing the original team and bringing on the new characters while sidelining a fan favorite like Cameron way too early in the show’s run, we complain for good reason. The House-Cuddy relationship for a while seemed like a promising sea change this season, but it quickly became overdone and didn’t seem to go over well for many viewers. And then there’s House himself: reforming or pretending to and always backsliding. The producers are reluctant ever to change the basic nature of his character, but I agree it’s frustrating to watch House and House seem to regress — and the green-card rebound marriage may be its most insultingly infantile storyline to date — much of this a function of a show refusing to age, or bow out, gracefully. (Many are saying much the same thing about The Office continuing without Steve Carell.) This cast can still rise to the occasion when given one — Hugh Laurie and Olivia Wilde are quite good in this week’s episode — but it’s no secret those moments are fewer and farther between.
13. April 2011 um 17:08 Uhr #248214Snugata
TeilnehmerMsHousefan hat das gestern gefunden. Finde es sehr amüsant
30. April 2011 um 3:28 Uhr #248515Violett
Teilnehmer30. April 2011 um 10:30 Uhr #248521es_doro
Mitglied7. Mai 2011 um 23:55 Uhr #248758Violett
TeilnehmerAuf Twitter gefunden: whole page 2 on Twitpic
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