Das sagt er in 3×20 „House Training“.
Sonstige Erwähnungen des lustvollen Kinos:
Wilson in 2×19: „No I get it, it’s a drag watching porn on VHS.“ (auf der Suche nach seinem verschwundenen DVD-Player)
3×02: „Why do they bother putting age restrictions on these things when all you have to do is click, “Yes, I am 18”? Even a 17-year-old can figure that out.“
3×05: „Infectious or environmental. All you have to do is check out parasites, viruses, bacteria, fungi, prions, radiation, toxins, chemicals, or it’s internet porn related. I’ll check the internet, you guys cover the rest of the stuff.“
3×16: „Have you ever appeared in any pornos?“
4×03: „Tells me you’ve got something worth hiding. Some Turkish prison, gay porn… ya killed a man just because he was asking too many questions.“
4×11: „Slippery slope. Today we withhold porn, tomorrow it’s clean bandages.“
(Und wenn ich nicht frage, wozu du das brauchst, fragst du auch einfach nicht, warum ich das weiß.