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25. Januar 2012 um 6:08 Uhr #248083
TeilnehmerIn diesen Artikel befinden sich Promo-Photos zur Folge 8×11 – Nobody’s Fault: BuddyTV Slideshow | ‚House‘ Episode 8.10 Photos: Who Is to Blame in ‚Nobody’s Fault‘?
Die Promo-Photos gibt es auch auf FOX FLASH – FOX PRIMETIME
26. Januar 2012 um 10:26 Uhr #243490MsHousefan
Mitglied@Violett 1102332 wrote:
Die Promo-Photos gibt es auch auf FOX FLASH – FOX PRIMETIME
Hab sie euch in HQ in den entsprechenden Episodenthread gepackt :Augenzwinkern_2:
Zur Folge 8×11 Nobody’s Fault:
Barbara Barnett hat den Screener zur Folge schon gesehen und ein paar Äußerungen gemacht:
Finished „nobody’s fault“ Lots of twists in the episode. Would liken it to „The Mistake“ or „Baggage“ Well done, left me breathless at times
Initial Thoughts on Nobody’s Fault: Intense, personal storytelling. No big „kabooms.“ In the small moments. Nice directing. Very emotional.
It’s right up there with Help Me in terms of the intensity you found in the small moments
Was sie mir sonst noch via DM bestätigt hat:
- „The change has impact for House personally and other team members as well. Can’t say whether anyone leaves.“
- „House’s career as a doctor is in jeopardy“
- „The story is told non-chronologically, like „Three Stories“ and „Two Stories „
Falls ihr Fragen an sie habt, immer raus damit, ich spiele gerne Vermittler^^
Mir fallen leider nicht soviel kreative Fragen ein…26. Januar 2012 um 20:07 Uhr #243491Anonym
GastHouse | The Feb. 6 episode, guest-starring Emmy winner Jeffrey Wright, has been described as potentially an “instant classic,” and exec producer Greg Yaitanes, who directed the hour, is calling it “the work I am most proud” in his 16 years of directing television. Now having screened the episode, we can see why. Wright, as a mentor of Foreman’s who is leading a disciplinary hearing scrutinizing House’s rogue antics, is one of the good doc’s most formidable foils to date. But the case of the week that House is specifically being held accountable for is just as much a star, revolving around a chemistry teacher who collapsed while out for a run. In the course of treating the patient, one member of House’s team – by defying the boss man’s orders – winds up injured in a way that has shocking repercussions. On the lighter side of the hour, House engages in a war of pranks that at one point evokes Greg Brady’s bad hair tonic experience.
27. Januar 2012 um 8:39 Uhr #243493MsHousefan
Mitglied27. Januar 2012 um 11:13 Uhr #237520Anonym
GastBTS Bild von der Folge am Montag
Want to see a behind-the-scenes pic I took of Monday’s upcoming episode? This one features the man himself, Hugh Laurie
28. Januar 2012 um 22:17 Uhr #210649MsHousefan
MitgliedI’m hearing the next episode of House is pretty Chase-centric. Please tell me something about this next episode. — Harriet
All I can really say is that the episode reminded me of a conversation I had with Jesse Spencer earlier this year where he promised we’d see some really great Chase storylines. And this one certainly is plenty of drama for Spencer and his costars to sink their teeth into. Particularly great? A scene at the end of the episode that shows one character in a terribly sad situation (or is it “condition”?) we’ve never seen them in before and another character having a bit of a groundbreaking moment.Quelle: EW
29. Januar 2012 um 22:36 Uhr #209122Anonym
GastQ&A zu 8-11:
1) Yvonne Jünger Gen Kirsten asked: “How it will start? And how will it end?”
It starts with a shot of an empty, messy patient’s room. It ends with a shot of House leaving a room. What room? That’s kind of what it’s all about…
2) Joli Malin asked: “Please tell us more about Chase’s role in‘Nobody’s Fault’. Will Chase be more affected than other team members by what’s happening to House in this episode?”
Chase is one of the oldest members of House’s team. Over the years, he’s been somehow moulded, or influenced, by House’s way of practising medicine. To a certain extent, that’s what makes him the doctor he is now. And it’s also what probably affects the decisions he makes. What Chase, and everybody else, does in Nobody’s Fault therefore has consequences. Serious ones.
3) Kathy Machy asked: “Poor Chase, I’m sure he’s the one who will be hurt, but will also House be in danger (professionally)?”
House is on parole and Jeffrey Wright comes to PPTH for a reason. So yes, what he has to decide definitely puts House’s fate at stake.
4) Eve Van De Venn asked: “Any mention of Cuddy?”
30. Januar 2012 um 11:36 Uhr #209126MsHousefan
MitgliedAuch zur Folge 8×11
Was Mindy Petermann mir per DM u.a. verraten hat:
Stylistically it is reminiscent of „The Mistake“ and „3 Stories“ in that it shifts from past to present and different sides of the story.
We see one very funny scene inside House’s head as he tells his side of the story. I think there might be many icons made from this
The House of Fan – House M.D. – Season 8 – Fans Ask: The Writers 03
The House of Fan – House M.D. – 8×11 Nobody’s Fault – Anatomy Of An Episode
5. Yvonne Jünger Gen Kirsten asked: “Will we see funny scenes from House? And if so? Can you tell us about it, please? Thx”
Nobody’s Fault is not really a “fun” episode per se, as it will tackle more serious topics. However, House is still House, which means he’s still politically incorrect and provoking. To a certain extent, that’s also what makes his own special “comic” trademark, as inappropriate as it might seem within the context of this episode. But “prank” also has a role to play in Nobody’s Fault, as it somehow serves as a catalyst of what happens. I’ll give you just one clue on that: orange hair!
6. Christine Scrivens asked: Is Dr Wilson in this episode Please.
No. Wilson doesn’t appear in this episode.
7. Mel Connor asked: “Does House feel guilty for what has happened to his team member or does he feel more angry for what’s happening to himself because of the dramatic incident?”
The interesting thing about House character has always been the way he struggles between his strong desire to maintain an apparent careless façade and his need to hide his most overwhelming emotions, especially when he cares. Guilt is definitely part of that process. That’s why it’s far from being as simple as it seems.
8. Joli Malin asked: ”Do you think after seeing this episode, that House could have prevented the violent incident by acting differently in this particular case. Will the viewer think that House is somewhat at fault for what happened or will the viewer think it’s “Nobody’s Fault” in the end?”
The important thing is not really how the viewer sees it. There will always be several rightful ways to look at things. It depends on what you think is right or wrong. What matters most in ‘Nobody’s Fault’ is how the events can potentially impact the characters’ conscience, for different reasons, each no lesser important than the other.
9. Joli Malin asked: ”Do you think that the incident will forever change House’s relationship with that team member who was the victim of the attack?”
Yes, there has to be consequences because the subtext behind the ‘incident’ (if you want to call it that) questions a lot of what makes House, and everyone around him, be who they are.
10) Joli Malin asked: “Do you think the identity of the affected team member has anything to do with House’s reaction to the attack. Would House act differently if someone else would have been the victim.”
I don’t think so. House reacts to an event first. And then, in his most characteristic House-ian way, the event triggers his obsession for the puzzle; it’s not that the identity of the person doesn’t matter, but I’d say it’s secundary for House because that’s his M.O. At least on the surface of things…
Quelle: The Voice Of TV
Die Ausstrahlungstermine für die restlichen Folgen der 8. Staffel haben sich geändert, da FOX den Start von „Touch“ vorverlegt und auch Alcatraz kontinuierlich auf dem Bildschirm haben möchte.
Somit gibt es montags bis einschließlich 27. Februar noch neue Folgen, dann erst wieder am 2. April 2012. D.h. keine neuen House Folgen im März.
Mondays (February 6-February 27)
8:00/7:00c – „House“
9:00/8:00c – „Alcatraz“Monday, March 5
8:00/7:00c – „Alcatraz“ (Back-to-Back Episodes)Monday, March 12
8:00/7:00c – „Alcatraz“ (New Time Period)
9:00/8:00c – „Touch“ (Encore of Pilot)Monday, March 19
8:00/7:00c – „Alcatraz“
9:00/8:00c – „Touch“ (Season Premiere)Monday, March 26
8:00/7:00c – „Alcatraz“ (Season Finale)
9:00/8:00c – „Touch“Mondays (as of April 2)
8:00/7:00c – „House“ (Returns from Hiatus)
9:00/8:00c – „Touch“Quelle: The Futon Critic
Thanks for the preview of next week’s House. Anything else you can tell me? — Alex
ADAM: While lots of (deserved) attention has been paid to Jeffrey Wright’s excellent guest turn as a neurologist deciding House’s fate, don’t take your eyes off the rest of the team. The incident that leads to the investigation leaves a major character fighting serious injuries that could upend his or her future on the show. And the crippling fallout will even have Dr. Crankypants uttering the words — gasp! — „I’m sorry.“Quelle: TV Guide
1. Februar 2012 um 16:49 Uhr #242224Anonym
GastMonday, Feb. 6
HOUSE (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) – “Nobody’s Fault”
Executive producer Greg Yaitanes directs his 30th episode, and Emmy Award winner Jeffrey Wright guest-stars in the first of four all-new February Sweeps episodes. When a violent incident involving a patient (guest star David Anders) has serious consequences, House (Hugh Laurie) and the team are placed under review by Dr. Walter Cofield (guest star Wright), Foreman’s former mentor. As House and each member of his team recount the details of the dramatic, life-threatening event, Cofield must weigh the team’s unconventional brand of collaboration against its ability to save lives.
Monday, Feb. 13
HOUSE (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) – “Chase”
Chase (Jesse Spencer) takes on a patient, Moira (guest star Julie Mond), who is a cloistered nun on the verge of making her life-changing vows, and through the treatment process, the two form a unique connection that tests their faith and reason. But when Moira’s condition worsens and requires a risky surgery, Chase’s judgment is compromised. Meanwhile, House and Taub (Peter Jacobson) try to remain one step ahead of each other’s pranks
Monday, Feb. 20
HOUSE (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) – “Man of the House”
A marriage counselor (guest star Jake Weber) suddenly collapses during a speaking engagement, and when he is put under close evaluation, the team notices changes in his behavior that conflict with his message on the roles of men and women. With no conclusive diagnosis, the team must assess the patient’s past behavior to provide clues into his worsening physical symptoms. Meanwhile, House and his Ukrainian “wife” Dominika (guest star Karolina Wydra) make a deal to convince Immigration that they are a happily married couple, a move that has serious implications if they are caught lying. Also, House decides to name a team leader and watches as each of the team members vies for the not-so-coveted position.
Monday, Feb. 27
HOUSE (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) – “Love is Blind”
House and the team take on the case of Will Westwood (guest star Michael B. Jordan), a successful, independent blind man who’s about to make one of the most important decisions of his young life: to ask for his girlfriend’s hand in marriage. But before he can propose, he’s struck down by a mysterious illness. Now House and his team battle to save him, and in the process Will is faced with a decision that will change his life forever. Meanwhile, House’s mother (guest star Diane Baker) surprises him at Princeton Plainsboro to relay some news about a new relationship (guest star Billy Connolly).
2. Februar 2012 um 20:21 Uhr #141117Anonym
GastZitate aus 8-11
House: They decided that you being stabbed was nobody’s fault. They’re wrong. I’m sorry.
• Rating: UnratedHouse: Are you going to have me fired for bad manners?
• Rating: UnratedChase: I think if there’s any chance I’m going to walk again it’s because House is a genius.
• Rating: UnratedTaub: Who cares if House was callous? Are you going to punish callousness?
• Rating: UnratedHouse: Unsquint your eyes.
• Rating: UnratedHouse: Good things usually happen. Bad things sometimes happen.
• Rating: Unrated2. Februar 2012 um 20:21 Uhr #141188Anonym
GastZitate aus 8-11
House: They decided that you being stabbed was nobody’s fault. They’re wrong. I’m sorry.
• Rating: UnratedHouse: Are you going to have me fired for bad manners?
• Rating: UnratedChase: I think if there’s any chance I’m going to walk again it’s because House is a genius.
• Rating: UnratedTaub: Who cares if House was callous? Are you going to punish callousness?
• Rating: UnratedHouse: Unsquint your eyes.
• Rating: UnratedHouse: Good things usually happen. Bad things sometimes happen.
• Rating: Unrated7. Februar 2012 um 9:24 Uhr #231867MsHousefan
MitgliedNoch ein paar Zitate aus der InHouse App:
„Put out an APB for a car with a man-shaped dent in the grille.“
„Taking my Vica-mins.“
„No, you idiot. Patient had low opening pressure on his LP. Try unsquinting your eyes and reading the labs next time.“
„If you want an accurate patient history don’t ever talk to the patient. Everybody lies. Except me, to you. Would never do that.“
‚House‘ EP Greg Yaitanes on tonight’s episode, Chase’s future, and leaving the show to work on the new Alan Ball series
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: This must have been a fun episode for you to take on as director.
GREG YAITANES: 100 percent. To be able to draw on everything that has happened before [and] to be relevant to what you’re doing and inform what you’re doing, is enormously challenging and daunting. But I love the fact that it was so steeped in something that meant so much to the show. to be one of the guilty parties who has cheered on House’s process over the years and to now see that on trial and to ask the questions that I should have been asking myself [all along]. Now someone has gotten hurt. What does it mean when someone gets hurt and what responsibility do you have for cheering someone on through their reckless behavior? That’s really what the team has to look at — as well as House — and what Cofield, Jeffrey Wright’s character, was there to do.I love the last scene, which I saw as a huge step for House because he owned up to the exact thing you’re talking about. Tell me about the weight in that statement.
To see him do that, which he’s not done in the history of the show, it was a big, big deal. That was actually something that was really a moment. We made sure to put that moment at the very end of shooting so it would be fueled by all the themes before it and so Hugh could really have that to work from.I have so many Chase questions. How quickly is he going to bounce back? How are we going to find him in the next couple episodes?
Next week’s episode is entirely about Chase. So it’s an episode told through Chase’s point of view, meaning we follow Chase through an episode. If we’re not with Chase, we’re not with the show. We’ve done this really well in the past with Cuddy (Lisa Edelstein) and Wilson (Robert Sean Leonard) and Thirteen (Olivia Wilde). But this is great and Jesse does an amazing job. The House story and case is really on the peripheral and it’s really about Chase’s journey back to the team — if he’s going to go back. And, if so, how and what he encounters along the way. He’s taking an examination of his life. That scene between him and Cofield in the ICU greatly impacts the next episode of House.Where he is mentally when we pick up in the next episode?
I would say to everybody about next week, without ruining anything: All the questions you’re asking are exactly why people should be watching. It will fully address in a very satisfying way the impact of tonight’s episode.Tell me about why you thought now was the time to explore Chase and put him through this really taxing storyline.
I wouldn’t be able to answer that as well as David Shore could. He guides where the characters go on the grander scale, but all of us have watched Jesse’s growth as an actor over the course of the eight seasons. Something like this, in terms of him being able to take it and run with it, is really a tribute to great growth and the great work that he’s done over the years.
This, like I said, was an exceptional hour. What’s the next big hurdle for you?
Well, I’m leaving House this week or the follow week as executive producer. I’ll remain on it to help either get us to the finish line or to get us teed up for season 9. But I’m going to direct and run the Alan Ball series called Banshee.Yes, congratulations.
Thank you very much. It’s HBO’s first in-house production for their sister network, Cinemax. It was a 10-episode series that’s going to air in January 2013. Alan Ball and two other great writers have written pretty much that entire season. I was brought in to come quarterback and direct and showrun that series. I’ll be doing the first few episodes and producing the series in North Carolina. It’s very an exciting new chapter. It was an opportunity and a natural next step from my work at House, although bittersweet.
You said that will be around to launch House into Season 9 or into the finish line. Have y’all heard anything solid about that?
If I knew, I’d be more definitive in my answer.
So much is up in the air, but it all sounds really exciting.
Thank you very much. I’m very excited. It’s going to be great. It’s a very, very cool project. It would have to be to pull me away from House.Quelle: EW
House Postmortem: Can Chase and House Coexist After „Nobody’s Fault“?„They’ve decided that your being stabbed was nobody’s fault. They’re wrong. I’m sorry.“
Those were the shocking words spoken by Dr. Gregory House (Hugh Laurie) to Dr. Chase (Jesse Spencer), who during the course of Monday’s House found himself stabbed in the heart by a patient suffering a psychotic episode, and later, paralyzed from the waist down. And even though impartial arbitrator Dr. Cofield (guest star Jeffrey Wright) ruled that House and his unorthodox diagnostic processes were not to blame for the accident, Dr. Crankypants didn’t let himself off so easily.
But what does that mean for the future? Can House and Chase continue to work together? „Hopefully. Otherwise the show ends,“ Spencer tells TVGuide.com with a laugh. „But this turns up the heat even more on that relationship.“
Spencer says that even though House admitted he was wrong — a rarity — Chase doesn’t necessarily feel any better about the situation. „I think it’s another stone on his back,“ Spencer says. „It just confirms his greatest fear. He’s realized he’s working under a maniac. It pulls the show back to center, because [the team] has been under a way of thinking for so long that we can’t even see that anymore. We’ve gotten used to these brash methods that would never be allowed in any other hospital.“
So, if House accepts the blame, why did Dr. Cofield let him off the hook? „I don’t feel that he was copping out in his decision,“ says executive producer Greg Yaitanes, who directed the episode. „This was a series of unfortunate events. Hopefully, just by the fact that we’ve examined it, it may make it safer for the future. I love the last shot of Jeffrey in the episode. After that decision, when he sees House’s reaction and House storming away, I think there’s a sense of pity that he has for him. This guy’s never going to learn.“
Yaitanes insists that the admission House makes in this episode won’t just be forgotten. „One of the things I love about the show is that it doesn’t have TV amnesia,“ he says. „It is impossible going forward to not have what took place be in the back of House’s head, whether he outwardly shows that all the time or not. We examine it a bit, but it will always be there.“
Indeed, House’s actions in this episode will be dissected further in next Monday’s Chase-centric episode, fittingly titled „Chase.“ After a few weeks in physical therapy, Chase begrudgingly returns to the hospital and bonds with a patient who is weighing whether or not to take her final vows and become a nun. It’s a fitting parallel for Chase, who attended seminary before becoming a doctor. But Spencer says Chase’s advice goes beyond faith.
„He totally empathizes, and finds a connection with this girl,“ Spencer says. „Unfortunately, the faith thing sort of drops away. He becomes very scientific about it and more like House about it. He really wants to question her reasons, and challenge her as to why she’s getting into what she’s doing. Is it really logical? Is it the right decision? It’s a big life question.“
Chase will also ask himself some big life questions as well. Can he forgive House? Or, more importantly, does he need to?
„Chase holds a grudge, because his life was nearly taken,“ Spencer says. „He absolutely blames House, but he’s also shocked and angry that he let himself be put into that situation. Chase did get emotionally involved when he shouldn’t have and skewed his objectivity. So, House is more or less right. Chase is not blame-free.“
Quelle: TV Guide
8. Februar 2012 um 8:17 Uhr #231866MsHousefan
MitgliedQuestion: This week’s House was easily the best of the season, but I’m a little worried about the long-term fallout for Chase. Any scoop? —Jeremy
Ausiello: Let’s talk short-term fallout instead: Monday’s episode picks up nearly a month later and a grudge-carrying Chase has yet to return to the scene of the crime (i.e. his job at Princeton-Plainsboro) nor has he accepted House’s apology. Oh, and he’s also got a new girlfriend. Press play below for more.Quelle: TVLine
8×12 Chase – Sneak PeeksThe House of Fan – House M.D. – 8×12 Chase – Sneak Peek 01
The House of Fan – House M.D. – 8×12 Chase – Sneak Peek 02
The House of Fan – House M.D. – 8×12 Chase – Sneak Peek 03
The House of Fan – House M.D. – 8×12 Chase – Sneak Peek 04
Thanks for the interview with Jesse Spencer about this week’s awesome House. Any more scoop? — Patrick
ADAM: While next week’s episode is all about Chase’s (begrudging) return to the hospital, executive producer Greg Yaitanes warns that you shouldn’t take your eyes off Odette Annable’s Dr. Adams, who takes Chase’s injury very hard. „While everybody was sort of let off the hook [for the accident], that does not absolve her of what she feels,“ Yaitanes says. „I feel that she is the most victimized by what happened. She let her guard down and someone got hurt, and she inevitably feels responsible.“Quelle: TVGuide
Interview mit Jesse Spencer
The House of Fan – House M.D. – Jesse Spencer on What’s Next For Chase & House
Promobilder zu 8×13 The Man of the Houseweitere Promobilder zu 8×12 Chase
9. Februar 2012 um 11:13 Uhr #236535MsHousefan
Mitglied3 Things You Need to Know About The Series Finale (and Beyond)
1 | The series finale will shoot in early April and will be directed by series creator David Shore, who will also co-write the hour (his script partner is TBD).
2 | There’s a good chance we’ll see some familiar faces return before Princeton-Plainsboro closes its doors for good, but which ones? Over the summer, Shore told TVLine that he would “love” for Hugh Laurie’s former leading lady, Lisa Edelstein, to check back in prior to the last episode. A source, however, says no formal discussions have begun. One alum you can count on returning for the swan song is Olivia Wilde. Prior to her exit this fall, the actress agreed to put in one last appearance as Thirteen should this be the final season. And although Jennifer Morrison is currently gainfully employed on ABC’s Once Upon a Time, she recently told TVLine that it would be an “absolute dream” to slip back into Cameron’s scrubs for the finale, adding, “That show was such an important part of my life, and I loved playing that character and I loved that group of actors.”
3 | You may see Chase, Foreman and Co. back on TV next fall. The early announcement, coming at the start of pilot season’s casting phase, frees the show’s ensemble up to attach themselves to potential new series. Don’t look for Hugh Laurie to pursue a tube return anytime soon though. “I’m sure he’s looking forward to a nice long break from the weekly grind,” shares an insider.
Quelle: TVLine
Nach Aussage von Bobbin Bergström wird Hugh Laurie in Folge 19 wieder hinter der Kamera stehen
„@TvShows_Fan: @bobbinberg Do you know which episode Hugh will direct?” 19
Von Dustin Paddock:
#House is ending. Ep.818 starts the story arc leading to the finale. Did I mention I’m writing it? Blatant #humblebrag #luckyme #holyshit
Kath Lingenfelter:
David Hoselton & I are working on ep.20, parts of which fulfill several fan girl fantasies about writing for this show.
The House of Fan – House M.D. – 8×12 Chase – Promo 02
The House of Fan – House M.D. – 8×12 Chase – Promo 03
Promo & Sneak Peeks zu 8×13 findet ihr hier:
The House of Fan – House M.D. – 8×13 Man Of The House – Promo 02
Die Seifenblase von vielen House-Fans dürfte spätestens nach dieser Nachricht geplatzt sein: Lisa Edelstein wird nicht für das Serienfinale zur US-Serie zurückkehren. Über die Gründe ist bisher nichts bekannt.
Wer auf ein romantisches Happy End von House und Cuddy in letzter Sekunde gehofft hat, muss jetzt hart sein: Huddy ist Geschichte. Lisa Edelstein wird für das bevorstehende Serienfinale nicht wieder ihre Rolle von Dr. Lisa Cuddy aufnehmen, wie TV Line meldet. Über die Beweggründe ist bisher nichts bekannt. Ob es überhaupt Gespräche über eine Rückkehr gegeben hat, ist ebenfalls unklar.
Über den Sommer äußerte Serienerfinder David Shore seinen Wunsch, Lisa Edelstein für einen letzten Handlungsbogen zur US-Serie zurückzubringen, bevor die letzte Klappe fällt, damit ein rundes Ende für Huddy geschrieben werden könne.
Edelstein schien bereits im August weniger optimistisch über eine Rückkehr zu „House“ zu sein. „Ich habe dort noch mit niemandem darüber gesprochen, also scheint es eher unwahrscheinlich zu sein. Wer weiß, was ich tun werde. Ich habe noch einiges in der Hinterhand. Ich würde das nicht gerne beantworten und die Hoffnung von jedermann steigern wollen. Es scheint nicht so, als sei das die Richtung, in die alle gehen werden.“
Der US-Sender FOX strahlt das Serienfinale von „House“ am 21. Mai auf dem Sendeplatz am Montag um 21 Uhr aus. Eine Stunde vorher gibt es für Fans ein Rückblicksspecial der Serie über die kompletten acht Staffeln.
Quelle: serienjunkies
Episodentitel zukünftiger Folgen :
8×15 Blowing the Whistle – 2. April 2012, 9pm ET
Director: Julian Higgins
Writers: David Shore (creator), Danny Weiss, Seth Hoffman8×16 Gut Check – 9. April 2012, 9pm ET
Director: Miguel Sapochnik
Writers: David Shore (creator), David Hoselton, Jamie Conway
8×17 We Need the Eggs – 16. April 2012, 9pm ET
Writers: David Shore (creator), Peter Blake, Sara Hess8×18 Body and Soul – 23. April 2012, 9 pm ET
Writers: David Shore (creator), Dustin Paddock, Thomas L. MoranThe House of Fan – Dr. House – Staffel 8 – Box Office: Fernseh-Tipp der Woche
Folge 8×14 „Love Is Blind“
21. März 2012 um 12:18 Uhr #251863Anonym
GastAusiello-Spoiler für die letzten Eps und das Finale:
Question: Please give me some scoop on the final run of House episodes. —Matt
Ausiello: They will be Hilson-centric! “There’s going to be a lot of House and Wilson stuff as we get down to the wire,” says series creator David Shore.Question: Olivia Wilde isn’t the only House alum returning for the series finale, is she? No way she’s the only one.
Ausiello: She’s not the only one. -
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