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16. Dezember 2011 um 20:06 Uhr #251768
GastIs This the Last Season of House? Hugh Laurie Says: „It May Very Well Be“
For those House fans hoping to see Wilson and House ride off into the sunset together (can there really be any other ending?), this season might be our last chance to see that bromance dream come true.
Hugh Laurie spoke with Ryan Seacrest on his radio show yesterday, and Seacrest asked the question that many fans have been wondering: Is this eighth season of House the final one?
„Too soon to say,“ Laurie replied. „We’re still wetting our fingers and sticking them up in the air to see which way the wind’s blowing. There are lots of things to be taken into account.“
Like if everyone is on board for another season? Several key castmembers and producers are in the final season of their contract, and ratings for the show are not what they used to be. But Laurie is keeping an open mind.
„It may very well be [the last season], or we may drive on and see if we can make a clear two decades. Who knows?“ Laurie muses. „But I’m very proud of the show. I think we all are very proud of the shows we’re doing now, and I hope that people enjoy them. So, steady as she goes!“
23. Dezember 2011 um 14:41 Uhr #251808MsHousefan
MitgliedTweet von Omar Epps
Me & @Jesse_Spencer about to shoot the last scene of 2011..
3. Januar 2012 um 2:09 Uhr #2518404. Januar 2012 um 11:50 Uhr #251849MsHousefan
MitgliedNeuigkeiten zu Gastdarstellern:
Michael B. Jordan is checking into House.
The Friday Night Lights alum will guest-star in Episode 14 of the Fox medical drama’s eighth season playing a blind patient, TVLine has confirmed.
TVLine’s 2012 Forecast:10 Fearless Predictions About House, Grey’s and Other Shows
Jordan — who most recently completed an arc on NBC’s Parenthood as a reformed troubled teen — first revealed the news Tuesday via Twitter, stating, “on my way to @FOXBroadcasting…time to put in work #House.” The actor quickly retracted the tweet — presumably after a hand-slap from higher-ups — saying with a laugh, “Now I know never to tweet before the studio approves hahha.”
Quelle: TV Line
Tweet von Kath Lingenfelter
Don’t want to spoil, but some are returning & some are 1st timers to the show. 1st timers are known actors. Awesome casting.
6. Januar 2012 um 13:28 Uhr #232034MsHousefan
MitgliedJesse, Peter & Charlyne am Set.
Gedreht wird übrigens gerade Episode 8×14
7. Januar 2012 um 13:42 Uhr #151583sturmei
MitgliedWeiß man schon, wann die 8. Staffel bei uns laufen wird?
7. Januar 2012 um 13:42 Uhr #151621sturmei
MitgliedWeiß man schon, wann die 8. Staffel bei uns laufen wird?
7. Januar 2012 um 14:58 Uhr #151587MsHousefan
Mitglied@sturmei 1102166 wrote:
Weiß man schon, wann die 8. Staffel bei uns laufen wird?
Frühjar 2012 ist als Starttermin festgesetzt, genauer ist noch nichts bekannt. Also vor April wirst du keine neue Folge erwarten können.
BTS Bilder vom Set zur Episode 8×14
A director prepares. Ep 14 director Tim Southam.
3 cameras, no waiting!
We start making House @ 630AM. DP Gale Tattersall, writer John Kelley, dir Tim Southam.
Good morning from NY Street! Universal Studios, that is.
Quelle: @TheAlphaCo
Thought we’d put up a little umbrella
Oh, there’s a tiny bright spot over here too.
Princeton, California
Quelle: @timsoutham
7. Januar 2012 um 14:58 Uhr #151625MsHousefan
Mitglied@sturmei 1102166 wrote:
Weiß man schon, wann die 8. Staffel bei uns laufen wird?
Frühjar 2012 ist als Starttermin festgesetzt, genauer ist noch nichts bekannt. Also vor April wirst du keine neue Folge erwarten können.
BTS Bilder vom Set zur Episode 8×14
A director prepares. Ep 14 director Tim Southam.
3 cameras, no waiting!
We start making House @ 630AM. DP Gale Tattersall, writer John Kelley, dir Tim Southam.
Good morning from NY Street! Universal Studios, that is.
Quelle: @TheAlphaCo
Thought we’d put up a little umbrella
Oh, there’s a tiny bright spot over here too.
Princeton, California
Quelle: @timsoutham
9. Januar 2012 um 23:38 Uhr #174126Violett
TeilnehmerHouse – Episode 8.09 – Better Half – Promotional Photos: Photo Archive | Episode 8.09 – Better Half
10. Januar 2012 um 0:40 Uhr #169619MsHousefan
MitgliedAuf SpoilerTV fehlt ein Bild, von daher:
neue Promo
The House of Fan – House M.D. – 8×09 Better Half – Promo 01
Interview mit Jesse Spencer
The House of Fan – Jesse Spencer – 2012 FOX ALL-STAR Party – Interview
11. Januar 2012 um 8:19 Uhr #178250Anonym
GastQuestion: Got any good scoops on House? —Julie
Ausiello: You already know that House’s bride of convenience, Dominica, returns later this season. But what you may not know is why she returns. Answer coming in 3, 2, 1… “They got married for her green card, and as is the case, six months to a year later you have to prove that you’re actually married,” explains exec producer Greg Yaitanes. “So Dominaca shows back up and it’s time for those interviews. They’ve got to do a crash course in being married. It’s a hilarious episode. [Karolina Wydra] is so fantastic. Everybody is so charmed by her.”I need some House scoop, stat! — Ted
ADAM: Look for all hell to break loose when Emmy winner Jeffrey Wright visits Princeton Plainsboro as Foreman’s old mentor who is arbitrating a case against House. „Jeffrey’s character really decides the fate of the series — he puts House’s process on trial,“ executive producer Greg Yaitanes says. „These are questions we’ve never really asked of the series before, one of which is: What is the responsibility of everybody in an environment of recklessness? I think every character is forever changed by the events that take place in that episode.“12. Januar 2012 um 14:08 Uhr #179726MsHousefan
MitgliedKonversation von Kath Lingenfelter (retlefnegniL) zur Folge 8×09 bzgl Wilson
@retlefnegniL Just read about Wilson’s patient in Better Half and I’m cackling like a hen on speeeed. You are a brainy genius person.retlefnegniL
@StathiesSometimes there just isn’t enough Awkward Wilson in the world, and we have to do what we can.
@Stathies Just tried to give a fun point of view on their relationship. Nothing too heavy. I leave that to the professionals.crazymadjo
@retlefnegniL @Stathies: Fun is nice, too. I’m also hankering for something on the ‚heavy‘ side with Wilson an impt part of it. Any hope?crazymadjo
@retlefnegniL: No spoilers, of course. Just blink and scratch your left eyebrow if ‚yes‘.retlefnegniL
@crazymadjo *Blink* *Scratch* coughSpringcoughHouse Clip von Episode 8×09 Better Half, der während Hugh’s Interview bei Craig Ferguson gezeigt wurde
The House of Fan – House M.D. – 8×09 Better Half – Sneak Peek 01
Veteran actress Diane Baker returns to House in March as Dr. House’s mom, Blythe, for the first time since 2008. She surprises her disapproving son with news of her relationship with guest star Billy Connolly.
Quelle: TV Guide
The House of Fan – House M.D. – Season 8 – Fans Ask: The Writers 02
Question: Is there any hope of Lisa Edelstein (Cuddy) returning to House for a couple of episodes? —Anaiis
Ausiello: Depends if this turns out to be the last season. If it does, “that is a conversation” that will probably happen, says exec producer Greg Yaitanes. “If it’s not the end, I don’t think it’ll happen [this season]. But that’s just my personal opinion. We would love to have her back.”Quelle: TV Line
20. Januar 2012 um 9:10 Uhr #213781Anonym
GastBTS Bildchen vom Set
Day 5 of directing episode 15 of @HOUSEonFOX… Awesome triple-headed-dragon rig courtesy of @thebarbella!
21. Januar 2012 um 6:59 Uhr #223428MsHousefan
MitgliedInterview with House, M.D. Writer/Producer Kath Lingenfelter
Kath Lingenfelter has been writing for House, M.D. since last season. She wrote “You Must Remember This,” and then with long-time House scribe Peter Blake wrote the controversial season seven finale. Active on Twitter, she is known to be accessible to fans. I interviewed her twice last season, and earlier this week, we chatted by phone the other day in advance of her next episode, the mid-season premiere “Better Half,” which premieres Monday night at 8:00 p.m. ET on FOX.
We discussed everything from goings on in the writers’ room on House to what to expect for each of the characters over the next few months—as well as the long hiatus and the fate of the series. She also revealed (in what I believe is a Blogcritics scoop) that an upcoming episode will be directed by actor/director Peter Weller (yes, he of Robocop fame). All of these topics are on for Monday night’s post-episode LiveChat Event, which follows the East Coast airing of House, M.D.Read more: Interview with House, M.D. Writer/Producer Kath Lingenfelter – Blogcritics Video
BTS Bild von der morgigen Folge 8×09 „Better Half“
Quelle: @Solether
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