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22. März 2012 um 22:29 Uhr #251883
Mitglied‚House‘ finale scoop: Kal Penn in talks to return
If House producers get their way, the highly anticipated series finale will be quite the Princeton-Plainsboro reunion.
We’re hearing several former cast members (including the previously reported Olivia Wilde) are in talks to make appearances in the final episode of the long-running Fox medical drama. The most exciting name on the producers’ wish list: Kal Penn, whose popular character committed suicide during the show’s fifth season.
How would Dr. Lawrence Kutner return to House, exactly? Flashback? Dream sequence? Alternate reality? Dr. House goes to heaven?
We don’t know (and if we did, we’re not telling). Keep in mind talks with former cast members are ongoing and the finale lineup could still change. But with the last episode shooting in two weeks, the guest star roster is expected to firm up soon. We’ll keep you updated. The House finale airs May 21 and is preceded by a one-hour retrospective special.
Quelle: EW
House | Are you sitting down? Because I’m going to kick off this week’s column by dropping on you the seemingly telltale title of the episode Hugh Laurie will be directing. But first, remember that David Shore told Ausiello that the final four episodes will lay the foundation for the show’s grand finale. Also know that Laurie is going behind the camera for the first of that stretch. Now, factor in that the launch of that formative arc is titled… “The C Word.” Will someone, perhaps House himself, be diagnosed with cancer as the drama draws to a close? Or could the “C” perhaps refer to Cuddy? (Even though Lisa Edelstein is not due for an encore, perhaps her ex gets wind of a major life change for her through the hospital grapevine?) Share your speculation on that potent title in comments!
Quelle: TV Line
Question: Any news on what the “C” in House‘s ominous-sounding “C-Word” episode stands for? —Marissa
Ausiello: Series creator David Shore hints that the title of the episode “could have multiple meanings,” adding that the Hugh Laurie-directed hour is “very House-Wilson centric. House really isn’t involved [with] the patient. House and Wilson are off doing their own thing, which is great to have Hugh directing that because [it means] he’s not in every single scene so that makes it a little easier.”
Quelle: TVLine
What can you tell me about the House finale? —Emma
ADAM: It will primarily focus on the House-Wilson relationship, which may mean less resolution for the other supporting characters. „It’s not going to tie up everything — that’s not with this is about,“ Robert Sean Leonard tells us. „I think the show is going to end very abruptly and in a very surprising way because, as happens in life, you don’t live the ending. You just live your life.“ That said, don’t look for House to live his life any differently than he ever has. „There is something defiant about him, and I think the worst possible thing would be to see his spirit broken,“ Hugh Laurie says. „I would find that depressing and that would make me unhappy.“
Quelle: TV Guide
3. April 2012 um 0:20 Uhr #251963Violett
TeilnehmerIsabella Cuda (6) : Kleine Schweizerin spielt in «Dr. House»
Bildquelle: IMDBEdit:
Ein Artikel über den Regisseur der Folge 8×15 – Blowing the Whistle: ‚House‘: College Television Awards Alum Makes Small Screen Debut Directing Fox Series ‚House‘: College Television Awards Alum Makes Small Screen Debut Directing Fox Series – The Hollywood Reporter
Edit 2:
Hot Shots: House’s Wife Dominika Returns to Take Down ! House Season 8 Episode 17 Photos – TVLine
10. April 2012 um 19:16 Uhr #252037Anonym
GastTessa in Los Angeles: Anything on the House finale? Anything??
The details surrounding the series finale are so secret that even the cast is scared as hell to mention anything about it! „Honestly we don’t know that much and anything that we do know we have to keep in the vault,“ Odette Annable tells us. But we did manage to squeeze some Chase romance scoop out of her. „It was always sort of assumed that at one point something was going to happen, something romantic,“ Annable says. „We’re shooting the second to last episode right now, so we’ll see. I can’t say anything! I feel like I’m giving too much away already.“10. April 2012 um 19:45 Uhr #252038MsHousefan
Mitglied8×17 „We Need The Eggs“ – Promo & Sneak Peeks
The House of Fan – House M.D. – Series Finale – Olivia Wilde on Live with Kelly
20. April 2012 um 6:17 Uhr #25208420. April 2012 um 14:33 Uhr #252085MsHousefan
MitgliedDein Link funktioniert nicht, du meintest wahrscheinlich diesen Artikel hier, oder?
Welchen Schock wird das Finale von „Dr. House“ für Serienfans parat halten? Der nun veröffentlichte Titel der finalen Episode am 21. Mai könnte schon eine Richtung vorgeben. So wird es „Everybody Dies“ heißen, was soviel wie alle bzw. jeder wird sterben bedeutet.
Das nun alle Charaktere von „Dr. House“ das Zeitliche segnen werden, ist zwar nicht anzunehmen, aber die Serienmacher kündigten bereits an, dass „Dr. House“ nicht mit einem Schönwetter-Finale zu Ende gehen wird.
Viel mehr mehren sich die Spekulationen das der von Hugh Laurie gespielte Dr. House am Ende der Serie selber zum Patienten werden wird, geschuldet durch seine seit Jahren andauernde Sucht an Schmerztabletten.
„Dr. House“ Macher David Shore kündigte bereits ein packendes Finale an, bei dem auch einige ehemalige Darsteller wieder an Bord sein werden. Bestätigt ist mittlerweile das Olivia Wilde wieder als Thirteen zurückkehren wird, sogar für die beiden letzten Folgen.
In Deutschland wird das Finale von „Dr. House“ erst im Herbst bei RTL zu sehen sein.Quelle: Serienfans.TV – deine News rund um Serien und Darsteller
[h=1]House Series Finale Shocker: ‚Everybody Dies‘[/h]
If you were thinking House might check out next month with a big burst of sunshine and happiness, it’s time to readjust your expectations. Newly-obtained intel about the series finale all but confirms that the swan song will be as dark and twisty as Hugh Laurie‘s titular medicine man himself. Sources confirm to TVLine exclusively that the May 21 capper is titled, “Everybody Dies.”
The morbid epithet is a fitting bookend to House‘s eight-year run, seeing as how the 2004 pilot was called, “Everybody Lies.”
It’s also likely to intensify speculation that the show’s final arc will find the doctor becoming the patient.In a recent interview with TVLine, House creator David Shore — who co-wrote and directed the finale — described the hour-long send-off as “a fitting ending” that will feature “a few” of the show’s alumni (Olivia Wilde’s Thirteen included) reprising their roles.
Speaking of Wilde, TVLine has learned that the actress’ return engagement has been expanded to two episodes. In addition to the finale, she will also appear in the penultimate episode on May 14.Quelle: TVLine
21. April 2012 um 4:22 Uhr #25208621. April 2012 um 5:44 Uhr #252088wilson031
MitgliedJa genau das meinte ich danke, MsHousefan.
21. April 2012 um 19:50 Uhr #25209524. April 2012 um 21:48 Uhr #252094Anonym
GastInterview von E! mit Kristin DeSantos. RSL sieht sehr sexy aus mit Brille und Stoppeln! Sehr amüsant auch seine hintersinnige Antwort, welche Requisite er gern vom Set mitnehmen möchte… RSL rockt! :happy:
25. April 2012 um 3:14 Uhr #252108Violett
TeilnehmerSo is Wilson definitely going to die on House? — Amanda
ADAM: Well, the promos for next week’s episode don’t paint a pretty picture, but let’s try to stay positive. (His best friend is a pretty good doctor, after all!) I suspect that Wilson will stick around at least through the series finale. But it does raise the question: Can House exist without Wilson? „For better or for worse, they are bound together,“ Hugh Laurie says. „They share a way of looking at the world, and I think they need each other.“ But does that „need“ portend a happy ending? „I think the audience will be happy, not because House has learned some life lessons — that’s not what he’s about,“ Laurie says. „I think people will be happy for him. The fact that he’s still got a ‚mud in your eye, to hell with you all‘ attitude, I sort of love.“ So let’s keep the sackcloth and ashes under wraps for now, OK?Quelle: Mega Buzz: A House Death, a Grey’s Disaster and a CSI Exit? – Today’s News: Our Take | TVGuide.com
Inhalt aus dem EKP zur Folge 8×19 „The C-Word“:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T90y29Ge7po&feature=player_embedded3 Sneak Peaks: [video]http://vimeo.com/foxflash/review/40757697/e2356912b1[/video]
Kommentar von Hugh Laurie: [video]http://vimeo.com/foxflash/review/40757812/085772a4da[/video]
Kommentar von Robert Sean Leonard: [video]http://vimeo.com/foxflash/review/40757999/5056b3f8da[/video]
Kommentar von Peter Jacobson: [video]http://vimeo.com/foxflash/review/40757753/5c96a33696[/video]
Kommentar von Charlyne Yi: [video]http://vimeo.com/foxflash/review/40758047/c588d388ff[/video]
Kommentar von Odette Annable: [video]http://vimeo.com/foxflash/review/40757601/f2d4332025[/video]
Graphics: House – „The C-Word“ EPK – Graphics28. April 2012 um 10:53 Uhr #245983Cameo Appearance
MitgliedCameron kommt doch zurück!!!
‚House‘ scoop: Jennifer Morrison returning for series finale | Inside TV | EW.com
30. April 2012 um 16:09 Uhr #252119MsHousefan
MitgliedHouse | As one might surmise, tonight’s episode, directed by Hugh Laurie, marks the beginning of the very end for House, as the titular doc and his BFF Wilson take an impromptu vacation together in the wake of the latter’s cancer diagnosis. “The very end of [last week’s episode], through the one I [directed] and really up until the finale, is sort of one journey… and I hope, if we’ve done it right, a fairly tense one,” says Laurie. Both Laurie and scene partner Robert Sean Leonard agree that it’s fitting that their alter egos peel away in this episode, as the series nears its end. “[They] are the only two characters on the show who decide to be together,” Leonard points out. “House works for Cuddy, and the team works for House…. They all have no choice; they have to be together. But House and Wilson actually voluntarily spend time with one another, which is unique to their relationship in this group of people.”
Quelle: TVLine
The House of Fan – House M.D. – The Daily – Reflections On The Series Finale
House M.D. – 8×22 Everybody Dies (Series Finale) – Promo Bilder
House M.D. – 8×22 Everybody Dies (Series Finale) – BTS Bilder
House M.D. – Swan Song (Retro-Special) – BTS Bilder
9. Mai 2012 um 12:42 Uhr #252151Anonym
GastIs Chase really gone for good on House? — Christine
ADAM: Not exactly.While he has definitely resigned, executive producer David Shore confirms that Chase is scheduled to appear in the series finale. But more surprisingly, one of his colleagues might follow him out the door. In Monday’s penultimate episode, another doctor is readying a career life raft in case House implodes under the strain of Wilson’s increasingly grim diagnosis.Quelle ;(
So viel also zu den sogenannten „Abschieden“ bei House… Irgendwie kommen sie alle wieder… Hätt’s nicht unbedingt gebraucht, aber solange Chase nicht nach Chicago zu Cameron geht, soll’s mir recht sein.
9. Mai 2012 um 15:39 Uhr #252153MsHousefan
MitgliedQuestion: Any chance House will pull another miracle out of his hat and save Wilson on House? —Rebecca
Ausiello: As the look on GHo’s face at the conclusion of Monday’s episode all but confirmed, that ship has sailed. House’s priority now is prolonging his BFF’s life — an arduous task that dominates much of next week’s unbelievably moving hour. A key component of the mission involves Greek‘s Jacob “Rusty” Zachar, who makes a surprise cameo as someone from Wilson’s past. Other scoopy highlights from the penultimate ep: Olivia Wilde’s Thirteen appears in two quietly effective scenes (one with House, the other with Wilson); another Princeton-Plainsboro vet appears posed to follow Chase out the door; House’s cane plays a critical role; and prepare for a twist ending that harkens back to something series creator David Shore told me last May shortly after House drove his car into Cuddy’s House: “We feel strongly on the show that actions have consequences.”Quelle: TV Line
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