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13. September 2009 um 2:07 Uhr #165779
TeilnehmerEin paar Tweets von Twitter:
@freelancer__ does House still interact with patients?I guess there’s no clinic (no license) but how bout Foreman’s?Does H interfere a lot?
5:48 PM Sep 11th from web
@Heleendje Yes, he does. Foreman doesn’t take it very well, it seems.
about 1 hour ago from web in reply to Heleendje@freelancer__ Sorry for bothering you again, but will Wilson be forgotten in all of this? Or can us W fans look forward to thses eps?
4:08 PM Sep 11th from web in reply to freelancer__
@Marart42 He definitely won’t be forgotten. I’d say Wilson fans should look forward episode 7. Some nice Wilson House/Wilson quality time.
about 1 hour ago from web in reply to Marart42@freelancer__ we’re always good!
so, where do u thnk this is going? what’s the purpose of this new rltnship when it comes to House?
4:04 PM Sep 11th from web in reply to freelancer__
@Phoenix_Shine Honestly – and this is just my opinion – it seems to me that the purpose of this arc is to further explore C feelings for H.
about 1 hour ago from web in reply to Phoenix_Shine@freelancer__ Is Huddy included in that „shippy“ episode? Enjoy your meal! And thank you sooo much for providing us with all this info!
12:32 AM Sep 11th from TweetDeck in reply to freelancer__
@Mina28 My honest opinion. I could be wrong, but that is the idea I get.
about 1 hour ago from web in reply to Mina28
@freelancer__ Oh really? The Cuddy/Lucas arc is just to get closer to Huddy? Well that’s a huge relief! Thank you!
about 1 hour ago from TweetDeck in reply to freelancer__@freelancer__ Cuddy finds out that H doesn’t take her relationship w/ Lucas lightly? Does she take it into consideration?
about 1 hour ago from web in reply to freelancer__
@colormegaby Yes, she does find out.
about 1 hour ago from web in reply to colormegaby@RyanPaulAddison All I can say is that Cameron is going to feel betrayed by both of them.
about 1 hour ago from twhirl in reply to RyanPaulAddison
@RyanPaulAddison Yes. She’ll want Chase to leave as well, but he won’t, hence the drama.
about 1 hour ago from twhirl in reply to RyanPaulAddison13. September 2009 um 6:56 Uhr #165677rincewindy13
MitgliedNeue Promo mit eine paar neuen Ausschnitten ist bei Marykir zu finden.
MaryKir’s Hugh Laurie Clip & Cap Archive – House – Season 6 Previews & Promos, Episodes 1-8
13. September 2009 um 6:56 Uhr #165675–SemperFi–
Mitglied12.09.2009: House und Franka Potentes Charakter werden in der ersten Episode mehr als nur miteinander turteln. House und Cuddy-Fans müssen aber nicht enttäuscht sein. Zwar wird das Paar nicht mehr länger im Mittelpunkt der Show stehen, aber die Beziehung ist noch lange nicht vorbei. (Quelle: Entertainment Weekly)
Neue Promos:
13. September 2009 um 9:17 Uhr #165460rolliraserin
Mitgliedhm da bei mir nur der you tube link geht, und ich vielleicht nicht die einzige bin hier der Link von Spoiler TV mit den 2 Promos
13. September 2009 um 11:15 Uhr #165159–SemperFi–
Mitglied61st Creative Emmys Lisa Edelstein on the red carpet
13. September 2009 um 15:28 Uhr #164738Violett
TeilnehmerHouse – Casting Call – Nina
Posted by DarkUFO at Sunday, September 13, 2009[NINA] 20s (ONLY), female, Caucasian, portraying a PORN STAR, very pretty/sexy, fit, LARGE BREASTS, wearing lingerie, as revealing as possible for NETWORK TELEVISION (aka no nudity), CO-STAR
Source: SpoilerTV
13. September 2009 um 21:37 Uhr #163650vanyx
MitgliedNoch ein neues Promo Vid.
14. September 2009 um 4:25 Uhr #163633Violett
Teilnehmer14. September 2009 um 8:38 Uhr #163608vanyx
MitgliedDie zwei neues Promos bei Youtube.
14. September 2009 um 11:15 Uhr #163532rolliraserin
MitgliedShore Interview
14. September 2009 um 12:27 Uhr #163479rolliraserin
14. September 2009 um 12:56 Uhr #163476–SemperFi–
MitgliedBehind the Scenes with House, M.D. Production Designer Jeremy Cassells – Blogcritics Video
Anmerkung von Stephie: Bitte keinesfalls komplette Artikel hier ins Forum kopieren. Danke!
14. September 2009 um 21:06 Uhr #163000vanyx
Mitgliedfreelancer_ hat alle bisherigen geposteten Titel mal zussammengefasst.
6×04 – ‚The Tyrant‘,
6×05 – ‚Instant Karma‘,
6×06 – ‚Brave Heart‘
6×07 – ‚Known Unknowns‘.14. September 2009 um 21:24 Uhr #162998Housekatze
MitgliedNeuer Tweet von Omar Epps auf Twitter:
Omar Epps: Headed to the table read for episode #8
about 3 hours ago from Tweetie15. September 2009 um 3:37 Uhr #162984 -
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