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29. August 2009 um 10:39 Uhr #182143
Dr. Crusher
MitgliedEin paar interessante Tweets zu 6×07 von freelancer…
By the way, tonight I’ll get the goods on episode 7. I can say those House/Cuddy/Wilson fans should REALLY look forward this one.
A lot of folks are asking, so I’m going to reply to all. By H/C/W I also mean House/Cuddy and House/Wilson. Lots of it.
I can’t think of a similar episode, at least not with those 3 on their own, as most of their scenes take place outside PPTH.
Haven’t read the script yet, however, I assume she doesn’t have a large role here. It’s H/C/W centric.
(auf die Frage, ob Cameron in dieser Folge eine zentrale Rolle spielen wird)
29. August 2009 um 11:14 Uhr #182114rolliraserin
Mitglied29. August 2009 um 15:57 Uhr #181985Dr. Crusher
MitgliedÜbersetzung der spoiler-relevanten Teile eines Interviews mit Hugh von der spanischen El Pais:
„There’s no plan at all. We start with a 2-hour special in which House is admitted to a psychiatric institution and from there the writers only have a couple of weeks ahead“.Chase and Cameron, who after a couple of seasons in the background, return as part of House’s team. „You know, a fascinating mix between old and new“.
„David Shore doesn’t like to simplify things, so there’s never going to be just one answer to who is House. It’s better that way, because if there was a resolution, it’d be the end of the series, and my return to England. To the rain“.
In the sixth season Dr. Gregory House will remain being a cool freak in a more sordid enviroment than the Princeton-Plainsboro Hospital. „Sometimes it’s hard facing themes like death, pain or diseases in every episode“ said Laurie. Although now he’ll be surrounded by new actors such as German actress Franka Potente with whom House’ll maintain „a very, very sweet relationship.“
A shorter season, with just 22 episodes, that has Laurie delighted, although it’s a blow to fans. „It gives us almost double free-time“, Laurie says hopeful may be that could allow him to enjoy a life beyond House. Even just to do normal things.
Gelesen bei house_spoiler, Original-Quelle (auf spanisch) hier.
29. August 2009 um 17:33 Uhr #181931vanyx
(*hat sich in die Bilder verliebt xD* 8o)
Jemand bei LJ hat sich grade anscheinend 5×19 ‚Locked in‘ mit den Audiokommentaren der Autoren angesehen und das gepostet.
During the scene while House and Wilson are eating in the cafeteria, after Wilson has already been suspicious of House’s activities in Middleton:
„All right, you want to do the spoiler?“
„Everyone loves House and Wilson together…and they love being together…and they love being together on set…“
„Yup. So that’s it. That’s season six.“
„A romantic comedy–„
„One of many options.“Or something like that. They did have a bit of an awkward, joking air about the whole thing; plus, they could also be referencing the already-public news that House moves in with Wilson after his stay in Mayfield. Who knows?
During the very final scene with House and Wilson at the elevator, patient having been put on the road to recovery (though this has nothing to do with the actual spoiler):
„Another spoiler.“
„Taub did it.“ [pause] „Taub killed Kutner.“
[quietly] „No he didn’t.“
[sigh] „We shouldn’t have said that.“
„See you in season six.“Here they sounded much more serious. It’s still horrendously difficult to fathom. However, one of my bio-major friends pointed something out to me just after „Simple Explanation“: if Kutner had indeed shot himself, his hand muscles would have contracted and the gun would have been stuck in his hand, not at his side on the floor. And, as a recent promo showed, Taub quits. I don’t know what to believe.
30. August 2009 um 9:20 Uhr #181741Vicodin-Junkie
MitgliedCuddy erforscht den angeblichen Huddy-Sex
31. August 2009 um 18:19 Uhr #180384rolliraserin
MitgliedHouse Cast Interviews:
31. August 2009 um 18:39 Uhr #180286Stephie
MitgliedUnd es gibt ein Wiedersehen mit einem alten Bekannten: ‚House‘ exclusive: Look who’s returning!
1. September 2009 um 5:53 Uhr #179981Pillendose
Mitgliedeine neue Promo gibt es: Spoiler TV: House – New Promo – 31st August
1. September 2009 um 13:54 Uhr #179937rolliraserin
MitgliedLatest from Kristin
Eva in Yakima, Wash.: I can’t wait for House! Do you have any news?
Don’t miss our new House interviews with Hugh Laurie, Robert Sean Leonard, Lisa Edelstein and executive producer David Shore. Shore revealed this about the season premiere: „[Franka Potente] is the sister-in-law of one of the inmates, who develops an attachment to House, and House develops an attachment to her, but it’s complicated.“
Source: E!Online2. September 2009 um 7:40 Uhr #179400Pillendose
MitgliedWelch ein schöner Morgen. Es gibt mal wieder eine Promo mit etwas neuem Inhalt
2. September 2009 um 13:32 Uhr #179320Dr. Crusher
MitgliedNeues aus der TV Guide:
Any scoop on House? I’m concerned that House’s incarceration is going to ruin the show. — Deb S.
MICKEY: Good news for some of you — no Thirteen in the season premiere! More good news: House’s Cuckoo’s Nest routine is infinitely entertaining. The much-spoiled trip to the carnival is surprisingly more touching than I’d imagined. In the Heights‘ Lin-Manuel Miranda and Andre Braugher are both fantastic. As an added bonus, just because he’s a patient doesn’t mean there isn’t a mystery to solve.Quelle ist SpoilerTV.
2. September 2009 um 15:13 Uhr #179241rolliraserin
MitgliedCasting Call
[PHARMA GUY] Early 50s, male, Caucasian, buff & hearty, not nerdy, just a regular guy that is believable as a pharmaceutical rep, SAG actors only, Co-Star DO NOT SUBMIT ACTORS WHO HAVE ALREADY READ FOR THIS ROLE
Source: SpoilerTV
2. September 2009 um 20:24 Uhr #178445–SemperFi–
Mitglied[NINA] 20s (ONLY), female, all ethnicities, very pretty/sexy, fit, surgically-amplified, wearing lingerie, as revealing as possible for NETWORK TELEVISION (aka no nudity), CO-STAR.
[PHYLLIS] female, Caucasian, middle aged, must have crow’s feet, having a plastic surgeon consultation, CO-STAR.
[RICK] 30s, male, Caucasian, typical movie director look, CO-STAR.
[KLINGMAN] male, 30s-40s, doughy, CO-STAR.
Source: SpoilerTV
3. September 2009 um 4:03 Uhr #178366Liza
MitgliedOMG House, Cuddy und Wilson in einem Bett!!!
3. September 2009 um 8:48 Uhr #178293–SemperFi–
MitgliedHouse – Episode 6.01 – Broken – Synopsis
House goes through detox, hoping to stop the hallucinations that tormented him; Dr. Nolan (Andre Braugher) refuses to sign the paperwork to reinstate House’s license unless House participates in his own mental recovery.
Source: SpoilerTV
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