Staffel 6 – News & Spoiler Only-Thread

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  • #183426

    Artikel über Serienstart: mit einem scho bekannten Pic:


    Im Chat, son paar Sachen die er gesagt hat =)

    Hugh Laurie: We’re shooting episode 5 now, about to start 6
    Hugh Laurie: I have taken a Huddy oath. Not a word shall pass these finger tips.
    Hugh Laurie: Lisa E is amazing. I saw a whole gaggle of women from some TV show – the funny one, the sexy one, the stern one etc – and I thought Lisa does all that every week on her own. LE makes me laugh a lot – I try to get her when the camera’s running

    Dr. Crusher


    Hugh Laurie: H obsesses over cooking the way he obsesses over everything else

    Außerdem meinte er noch, er habe in letzter Zeit viel mit Jen und Jesse gearbeitet.


    Interview mit Hugh Laurie – Fragen von Fans

    Hugh Laurie: Jenn and Jess have some great stuff coming up – we’ve been working a lot the last three episodes or so

    Und wenn sie also gerade mit Folge 5 fertig sind, scheinen 3,4 und 5 starke Cameron und Chase Folgen zu werden.

    Kommentar zum snakes on a plane Logo:

    Hugh Laurie: The logo was my idea – did it for a crew t shirt – but the phrase was someone else – I’m no good with puns… or buns.


    [Comment From Me]
    Do you think House will ever find anyone or will he end up alone?


    Hugh Laurie: I think he will find someone.


    [Comment From Erika]
    Will there be a season 7?


    Hugh Laurie: Who knows? Depends how this one goes

    Das sind jetzt mal mit die wichtigesten Sachen die er zur Season 6 gesagt hat. (plus natürlich das, was die beiden über mir schon gepostet haben)

    Wer das ganze Interview lesen will: Transcript: Our chat with Hugh Laurie | Gold Derby | Los Angeles Times


    News von Ausiello:

    Question: Give us a House spoiler, please! —Zachary
    Ausiello: Cuddy knows that House made imaginary love to her last May. “It’s referenced in an upcoming episode,” House boss David Shore tells me. “She’s aware of it and she confronts him. She wants to know where all that stands.” That makes two of us.

    Question: How long will Cameron and Chase hang on to their old jobs on House? —Jeff
    Ausiello: “We don’t have a specific end in mind,” says Shore. “It appears to be temporary, but [there’s] no specific end date.

    Quelle: Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on ‚House,‘ ‚Bones,‘ ‚Gossip Girl, ‚Housewives,‘ and more! | Ausiello |


    deine Links funktionieren leider nicht, aber ich habe eine neue Promo auch auf youtube gefunden :)


    Jetzt bist mir zuvor gekommen :D – aber ich hab noch was gefunden, nicht wirklich ne Promo, weiss aber net wo ich das sonst hinposten soll *G* – Die Animation am Anfang sieht echt toll aus!

    YouTube – House MD – new Snakes On A Cane Promo


    „According to someone at the House/Wilson community, freelance… has tweeted that House and Wilson will still be living together in episode 6, so that gives us *at least* 5 (or 4, if the premiere counts as two) episodes of domestic! House and Wilson.“

    TWoP Forums -> House


    Neue Promo – Zusammen mit Lie to me

    Spoiler TV: House and Lie to Me – Fox Promo

    [SCHULTZ] – male, 50s-60s, BALD, THIN/ EMACIATED, dying of lung cancer, 1 line CO-STAR

    Source: SpoilerTV


    ATV spoiler alert: ‚True Blood‘ finale shocker! Plus: Chase takes center stage on ‚House‘ | Ausiello |

    Wer ist zurück??????(

    Das Video ist ja auch abgefahren, von wegen Cameron und Cuddy haben Sex *ggg*

    Aber was hat das da mit Chasestoryline auf sich, irgednwas mit Euthanasia oder wie das heißt????


    House – Episode 6.01 – Broken – Sneak Peek

    Spoiler TV: House


    Hier sind ein paar Posts von Freelancer_ auf Twitter:

    freelancer__: By the way, tonight I’ll get the goods on episode 7. I can say those House/Cuddy/Wilson fans should REALLY look forward this one.
    about 1 hour ago from web

    freelancer__:housespoiler episode 6 is called „Brave Heart“
    about 1 hour ago from web

    Ich übernehme keine Haftung für den Warheitsgehalt der Spoiler.


    Casting Call

    [AVERY] – 16 to 19 to play REAL 16 opposite ACTUAL 16 year olds, Caucasian (BLONDE OR REDHEAD ONLY), Asian and Africian American ONLY. DO NOT SUBMIT ACTORS WHO HAVE ALREADY READ FOR THIS ROLE. Co-Star

    [DANIEL] – mid to late 40s, male, Caucasian, dignified, rich, Gossip Girl like parent, Large Co-Star (5 scenes) DO NOT SUBMIT ACTORS WHO HAVE ALREADY READ FOR THIS ROLE

    [MELISSA] – mid to late 40s, female, Caucasian, dignified, rich, Gossip Girl like parent, Large Co-Star (5 scenes) DO NOT SUBMIT ACTORS WHO HAVE ALREADY READ FOR THIS ROLE

    Source: SpoilerTV

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