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26. April 2010 um 15:03 Uhr #239681
MitgliedInterview von Ausiello mit Katie Jacobs
Exclusive: ‚House‘ boss on Huddy, Luddy, and NEXT season’s big mystery! | Ausiello | EW.com
26. April 2010 um 16:27 Uhr #239691–SemperFi–
28. April 2010 um 5:04 Uhr #239733Lia
MitgliedTVGuide on Season Finale:
TVGuide on season finale | .. :: House MD Fansite – strona fanów serialu dr House ::..
28. April 2010 um 6:22 Uhr #239734–SemperFi–
Mitglied28. April 2010 um 6:39 Uhr #239735Com_bustion
29. April 2010 um 16:31 Uhr #239801Anonym
GastInterview mit Lisa Edelstein über die 6. Staffel
30. April 2010 um 21:53 Uhr #239849Violett
TeilnehmerEs gibt Sneak Peaks zur Folge 6×20 – The Choice:
FOX Broadcasting Company: House1. Mai 2010 um 7:28 Uhr #239852–SemperFi–
MitgliedYouTube – House – Preview Clip from „The Choice“ airing 5/3
YouTube – House – Preview Clip 2 from „The Choice“ airing 5/3
YouTube – House – Preview Clip 3 from „The Choice“ airing 5/3
5. Mai 2010 um 21:12 Uhr #2400906. Mai 2010 um 5:05 Uhr #240097Lia
MitgliedAusschnitt eines Interviews mit Greg Yaitanes:
Director of House MD Greg Yaitanes Talks about Season 6 Finale|Hollywood.GreekReporter.com
(Full length interview is coming soon…)
7. Mai 2010 um 20:50 Uhr #240184Com_bustion
Mitglied‚House‘ exclusive: Watch the first two minutes of the season finale NOW! | Ausiello | EW.com
Teaser vom Finale der sechsten Staffel. Man sieht also keinen Heiratsantrag, sondern erfährt nur, dass sie ihn angenommen hat. Ah ja..
8. Mai 2010 um 9:47 Uhr #240192Lia
MitgliedBarbara Barnett über 6×22:
Quote:Got to see the Season Six Finale of House, M.D.–I’m divulging no spoiler, but only saying that it was a tour de force performance, fabulous directing of an intense episode and great, evocative script by Friend, Lerner and Blake. A roller coaster ride, but one of the most emotionally wrenching hours in the show’s history.
Quelle:Twitter / Barbara Barnett: Got to see the Season Six …
Ausiello über 6×22:
Quote:HOUSE finale was INTENSE. Superbly directed by @gregyaitanes wrenching performance from Mr. Laurie, and one of my fave Huddy moments ever.Quelle:Twitter / Michael Ausiello: HOUSE finale was INTENSE. …
8. Mai 2010 um 19:36 Uhr #240215–SemperFi–
MitgliedQuote:A very reliable source has confirmed that in the finale Cuddy makes clear that she has accepted Lucas’s proposal and intends to marry him.Spoilers about season finale – House M.D. Link Found on Fanpop
9. Mai 2010 um 19:22 Uhr #240255Anonym
GastChering3 hat im „PPTH Conference Room“ folgendes gepostet:
Quote:Trust me, I’ve screened the finale and it’s filled with great Huddy moments and you will not be disappointed, just look to KJ’s sayings.[…] yes this is a different ep then most, it’s really about House and the patient and the emotions that evokes in him. BUT you will get some great Huddy moments and what’s wonderful about the episode is that it reverts back to the sense of the past two seasons finales and that is homage to Yaitanes. Trust me, Huddies, rejoice and just watch the episode unfold, it’s phenomenal and heartbreaking.
Noch ein paar Infos bzgl. House und Cuddy im Staffelfinale… ich setzte es mal lieber in Spoiler, nciht jeder möchte über die Finalfolge ja gut informiert sein
Quote:House and Cuddy are working on the disaster scene and they argue about the patient. The woman may need an amputation and well…you know how House feels toward amputations.
Here happens what Danaan9 shared yesterday. It’s not a great moment, I don’t know if this is Lisa’s favourite scene but Cuddy is very “hard” on House.
I feel sorry for him.
It’s not only what she says (she will marry Lucas and she has not feelings for House) but HOW she tells it. This is what worried me the other day. You’ll see it by yourself, I don’t want to give details.So I asked around and I’ve heard she’s really tired and angry because of the argument she’s having with House and she tells him what I told you.
I’ve heard too that Cuddy may be angry and confused because her feelings for House are getting stronger and she is wrestling with her emotions because she realizes she loves House. She wants to love him but she feels she shouldn’t but her feelings for House are taking over and she is worried and scared. But this is maybe too much to hope for, right?
Anyway, both versions end in the same way: House talks to the patient and he convinces her to have her leg amputated. He talks to the patient in a open way, Cuddy feels how different he is now, and she is moved. She is next to him, listening to him, and she is crying.
This is what KJ meant when she said Cuddy will see House in a different light. And this is the “positive moment” I want to share. It feels like an important scene.And here we are: patient dies, House take vicodin, and collapses. Then there’s the missing scene. I’ve been told is crucial, obviously, and we can speculate about WHO is in the scene. I can only hope is Cuddy, since House collapsed…
I suppose Lucas’ death is not an option anymore, right?I can only hope she will understand the mistakes she’s doing.
I’m not in love with the “Cuddy sees House in a different light and she realizes she can love him”, because to me, she was ALREADY in love in season 5. But maybe she didn’t believe she could have a relationship with him, and this is what is changed now. I dunno.
I don’t like either the fact that she screams at him just because she’s under pressure. I mean…woman! It’s a disaster’s scene and you’re a doctor, if you can’t take the pressure, stay home! But we know too she can perfectly deal with pressure, in 5To9 she did it!!
Well, whatever.This post was made to share the positive infos on the finale, I’m sure the actors will be great, the storyline is interesting, good things. I still HATE Lucas, and I still HATE the fact she decided to marry him (even if I don’t think she will do it, this is NOT the point), but there are nice things in it, I think.
One more info: this storyline about the amputation where House tells to the patient HIS STORY and then Huddy argues about it…reminds me of something Freelancer told me long time ago, in December.
She told me about a scene where something similar happened, with some differences: Cuddy told House that she tried to be a friend while he had the infarction, and this was her mistake: she was supposed to be a doctor and do what a doctor does: leave it to the patient. If the patient (House) didn’t wanted the surgery, she was supposed to do that: anything.
Instead, we know she tried to save him. Well in that scene Cuddy told him she made a mistake and she should have let him DIE. She’s very angry and in that scene she basically wish him to die. This was supposed to happen after a luddy break up, since the break up was House’s fault. Then things has changed, Lucas hasn’t left in episode 10 or 11 and the scene was deleted.
And now…This scene in the finale looks somehow similar. Cuddy doesn’t wish him to die, but she tells him some terrible things you will hear.
I’m already crying!
In that deleted scene Cuddy was even supposed to slap House, but then this was considered “too much” and, again, deleted.
I wonder if they used the same idea just “changing” some bits, or if it’s totally another one. I see some similar things between the 2 of them, anyway…
Well, it was deleted so it’s not important!
Funny thing: when GY started the moles‘ hunt I’ve been asked by Yoteddy what I knew, the infos I had, and I TOLD HIM about this scene…So I think is funny they used it now. But well, maybe I see similarities where they doesn’t exist! And it’s not important.11. Mai 2010 um 1:34 Uhr #240284 -
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