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13. Dezember 2009 um 7:43 Uhr #232847
MitgliedVon jemanden aus dem FOX-Forum, sind aber reine Vermutungen:
Quote:Episode 6×11: „The Down Low“
Airdate: 1/25/2010
Written by: Liz Friedman & Sara Hess
Directed by: Nick Gomez
Quotes: Sara Hess said the episode has the „greatest scene in House’s history“. Greg Yaitanes specified it’s „classic House / Wilson“ scene and it’s „good fun“.
Infos: Nora (Sasha Alexander) is the new neighbour of House & Wilson. Looks like they got a crush on her, but she’s into House.
Cuddy IS in the episode, Lucas is NOT. The episode ends with House and Wilson (without Nora) in their apartment.Episode 6×12: „Remorse“
Airdate: 2/1/2010
Written by: Peter Blake
Directed by: Andrew Bernstein
Infos: House cuts a photo of Cuddy and Lucas he finds on her desk.
When she finds out she goes to tell him the pic was special for her, but he doesn’t apologize. Later he decides to apologizes, he looks for Cuddy, but he finds her with Lucas. She’s there telling Lucas she wants him, even if they didn’t got the apartment in episode 10.
House, sad, leaves without talk to her.I don’t think she even notices he was there.
Episode 6×13: „Moving the Chains“
Airdate: 2/8/2010
Written by: Russel Friend & Garrett Lerner
Directed by: David Straiton
Infos: Marcus, Foreman’s brother, is hired by House. He leaves anyway, before the end of the episode.
Weird things happen in the House/Wilson apartment. House falls in the shower because of one of these „weird things“.
He had a shower to easy the leg’s pain, but he gets hurt instead.
It’s Lucas‘ fault, since he entered the apartment to do silly tricks in order to force House and Wilson to re-sell the apartment to Cuddy.
When Cuddy understands what’s happening, she asks Lucas to stop since they don’t need the apartment, because she really wants him and that’s all that mattersHouse is the „victim“ here, but Wilson implies House got a plan. Please, God, let there be a plan! We don’t know for sure if Wilson is right, so don’t put your hopes on that.
Episode 6×14: „??“
Airdate: 3/1/2010
Written by: Tommy Moran
Directed by: Andrew Bernstein
Quotes: GregYaitanes: „I’m not kidding when I say it should be illegal to write as well as @tmoran0607 his script for 14 is SO good.“
Infos: This is a „Cuddy day“, from the moment she awakes to the time she goes to bed. She wakes up alone, does the shower alone, then the babysitter arrives and she’s ready to leave for work.
When she’s leaving, Lucas arrives to ask for a quickie. She does it with the babysitter in the house!!!!
After that, she runs to work.
When she arrives House explains he did a bet with Lucas and apparently the morning sex was part of this bet. So she was joked by Lucas and House.
She deals with many problems at home (Rachel is sick but it’s something minor, the babysitter takes care of it) and at work. She even wants to quit PPTH, maybe she does it for 5 minutes, but in the end of the episode she’s always our dean of medicine. She receives helps from Lucas and House for problems she has, but we heard different versions of this. I don’t know if Lucas or House’s idea saves her, or if House does and Lucas takes the credit, or if Cuddy decides to follow Lucas‘ advice and not House’s advice. We don’t know since we heard all those versions.
By the end of the day she’s in bed with Lucas and Rachel. Someone told us about a proposal, but we don’t know if it’s in THIS episode, of if the info came when they were working on this episode. It’s confusing.Episode 6×15: „??“
Airdate: 3/8/2010
Written by: Doris Egan
Directed by: Sanford Bookstaver
Quotes: Doris Egan: „Table read in 10 minutes. Wondering how soon after that Robert will kill me. But, hey, he only said I shouldn’t make him drive a car.“
Greg Yaitanes: the episode is „Classic Egan“
Infos:“Classic Egan“, yes. So a few Cuddy scenes, everything about House and Wilson (again, yes).
House, Wilson and Chase will go to a speed date. We don’t think someone will find a partner, but the point is: they’re ready to date someone. Well, House is.
Someone told us about a porn movie that Wilson did. LOL I don’t think is true since Wilson told Amber (in season 4) that he never did a „porn movie“. They were discussing a „home made“ porn movie, but he told he never did it. So the idea someone had is that Wilson did a cameo in a movie who was THEN inserted in a porn movie. Makes more sense. But we’ll see. Porn movie, speed date, and House feeling he wants a relationship: that’s the episode.And here we are, midseason with House ready to date someone, Cuddy involved with the jerk and telling him she really wants him (even if I will never understand why). The future is:
Episode 6×16: „??“
Airdate: 3/15/2010
Written by: Larry Kaplow
Directed by: Greg Yaitanes
Quotes: GregYaitanes said „script for ep16. is inspired work“Episode 6×17: „??“
Airdate: 3/22/2010
Written by: ??
Directed by: Hugh Laurie
Quotes: Katie Jacobs says the episode Laurie is directing is „very intense, and truly a director’s piece“ and that it’s not a traditional episode.“14. Dezember 2009 um 21:54 Uhr #233162Violett
TeilnehmerDas Drehbuch zur Folge „Broken“ ist für den Writers Guild Awards nomminiert worden!
2010 Writers Guild Awards Television, Radio, News, Promotional Writing, and Graphic Animation Nominees Announced: http://wga.org/content/default.aspx?id=3888Quote:EPISODIC DRAMA – any length – one airing time“Broken, Part 1 and Part 2” (House), Written by Russel Friend & Garrett Lerner & David Foster & David Shore; Fox
16. Dezember 2009 um 19:13 Uhr #23325016. Dezember 2009 um 20:49 Uhr #233258Violett
Teilnehmer17. Dezember 2009 um 7:32 Uhr #233266Anonym
GastAusiello zum Thema House‘ Sohn
Quote:Question: There is a rumor circulating that House has a twentysomething son and he’ll turn up in the season finale. Any truth to this? —Malinda
Ausiello: You mean the twentysomething son played by French actor/stuntman Sebastien Soudais? That’s what we in the biz call a full-of-crap rumor. It all got started when the role of “House’s son” suddenly appeared on his IMDB page. “I don’t know who did that,” Soudais tells me of the listing, which has since been removed. “I really like House, but I never would have made something like that up.” Ironically, I’m having the opposite problem. I’ve been trying for weeks to get my upcoming role as Cuddy’s BFF uploaded to my IMDB page but it won’t take. What am I doing wrong?Und: House kommt vielleicht doch schon am 11.01.10 wieder?
Quote:Broadcasting & Cable’s Melissa Grego might be the most versatile reporter in the TV trades. She started the week off with the best primer on retransmission consent and what it means for the broadcast TV business. Now she brings us word that FOX has moved up the return of House by two weeks to January 11, where it will compete with Chuck’s regular Monday 8pm time slot premiere. House had previously been scheduled to return on January 25 and will still have the night off on January 18 when two hours of 24 airs18. Dezember 2009 um 3:48 Uhr #23331923. Dezember 2009 um 16:47 Uhr #233697alex234
MitgliedHugh Laurie führt Regie bei «Dr. House»
Quelle: FOX/EW.com
Der Darsteller von Gregory House in der gleichnamigen, erfolgreichen US-Serie wird Anfang des neuen Jahres die Dreharbeiten der 17. Folge der sechsten Staffel leiten.
«Dr. House»-Darsteller Hugh Laurie feiert bald eine ganz eigene Premiere in der Kultserie: Erstmals wird der US-Schauspieler in einer Episode von «Dr. House» selbst Regie führen, wie US-Medien berichten. Im Januar soll die Folge unter der Regie von Hauptdarsteller Hugh Laurie gedreht werden. FOX hat die Ausstrahlung für den 22. März 2010 anvisiert. Es ist dann die 17. Folge der sechsten Staffel der Arztserie, die in den USA auf dem Network gerade gezeigt wird, während RTL in Deutschland momentan die fünfte Staffel unterbrochen hat.In Deutschland werden die Fans von «Dr. House» also noch etwas auf diese besondere Premiere warten müssen. Wie die ausführende Produzentin von «Dr. House», Katie Jacobs, verriet, wird mit den Vorbereitungen für diese Episode schon nach der Weihnachtspause begonnen. „Das wird toll für die Moral am Set, denn es gibt niemanden, für den unsere Besetzung und unsere Autoren härter arbeiten wollen, als für ihren Anführer“, wird Jacobs zitiert. Wenn Hugh Laurie Anfang des neuen Jahres das Zepter der Erfolgsserie in den Händen hält, wird sich das auch auf den Inhalt auswirken. Wie es weiter heißt, soll es nämlich keine traditionelle Folge werden.
Viel mehr solle es zu etwas Besonderem werden: Ein „sehr regieintensives Stück“, sagte Produzentin Jacobs in einem Interview. Der Greg-House-Darsteller sagte dazu: „«House»-Skripte sind wie Fabergé-Eier, und ich werde mich sehr anstrengen, um dieses nicht auf den Steinfußboden fallen zu lassen“. Man darf also gespannt sein. Dass Hugh Laurie selbst auf dem Regiestuhl Platz nimmt, ist dabei nicht das erste Mal. Bereits bei «Dr. Slippery», einer britischen Dramedy-Produktion, die auch in Deutschland auf Comedy Central gezeigt wurde, führte Laurie Regie und spielte die Hauptrolle in der Serie zugleich.Quelle:Hugh Laurie führt Regie bei «Dr. House» – Quotenmeter.de
23. Dezember 2009 um 17:50 Uhr #233705BREAK.MY.FALL
Ethan Embry (“Brotherhood”) and Nick Chinlund (“Desperate Housewives”) Guest-Star
When drug dealer Mickey (guest star Embry) mysteriously collapses while negotiating a sale, his partner-in-crime, Eddie (guest star Chinlund), accompanies him to Princeton Plainsboro for treatment. But with a major deal pending, Mickey is not forthcoming with the necessary personal information the team needs to treat him. As Mickey’s condition worsens, the team resorts to old-fashioned detective work to solve the case. Meanwhile, House and Wilson compete for the affection of a new neighbor, and Chase, Thirteen and Taub attempt to play a practical joke on Foreman in the all-new “The Down Low” episode of HOUSE airing Monday, Jan. 11 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (HOU-611) (TV-14 D, L)
Cast: Hugh Laurie as Dr. Gregory House; Lisa Edelstein as Dr. Lisa Cuddy; Omar Epps as Dr. Eric Foreman; Robert Sean Leonard as Dr. James Wilson; Jennifer Morrison as Dr. Allison Cameron; Jesse Spencer as Dr. Robert Chase; Peter Jacobson as Dr. Chris Taub; Olivia Wilde as Thirteen/Dr. Remy Hadley
Guest Cast: Sasha Alexander as Nora; Ethan Embry as Mickey; Nick Chinlund as Eddie; Paul Zies as Marco; Preston James Hillier as Tommy; Rosalie Vega as Nurse Yvette; Bonnie Kathleen Ryan as Mickey’s wife; Sammy Busby as Gorski
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[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]QUELLE FOX FLASH – FOX PRIMETIME
[/FONT]24. Dezember 2009 um 0:41 Uhr #233733Violett
TeilnehmerEs gibt Promophotos zur House Episode 6×11 „The Down Low“!
Quelle: http://www.spoilertv.com/2009/12/house-episode-611-down-low-promotional.htmlEdit:
Es gibt eine neue Promo. Allerdings ohne neue Szenen: http://www.marykir.com/hl/house/s6promos.htm#ad25Dec
Und hier ist die erste Promo für die Folge 6×11 „The Down Low“: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RGZo1cB7c4 (leider ist die Bildquallität etwas schlecht.
29. Dezember 2009 um 6:24 Uhr #234029–SemperFi–
MitgliedPromo für The Down-Low
29. Dezember 2009 um 6:59 Uhr #234031vanyx
MitgliedPromo bei Youtube
30. Dezember 2009 um 14:31 Uhr #234113Anonym
GastYouTube – House md The Down Low Promo[HQ]
Kurzes Promo für 6-11.
2. Januar 2010 um 3:39 Uhr #234287huddylove
MitgliedEs gibt einen neuen Promo zu 6×11 – The Down Low.
Hier ist der Link: MaryKir’s Hugh Laurie Clip & Cap Archive – House, M.D. New Stuff
Wird bestimmt lustig.
2. Januar 2010 um 4:46 Uhr #234289Anonym
Gastdie neue Promo auf YouTube:
6. Januar 2010 um 4:37 Uhr #234440Violett
TeilnehmerHier gibt es drei Sneak Peaks zur Folge 6×11 The Down Low: FOX on Demand
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