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24. November 2009 um 5:09 Uhr #229935
Teilnehmer24. November 2009 um 5:51 Uhr #229936–SemperFi–
Mitglied„Wilson“ Promo:
24. November 2009 um 6:33 Uhr #229938Anonym
Gast–SemperFi–;959268 wrote:„Wilson“ Promo:… und auf You Tube: House M.D. – 6×10 ‚Wilson‘ Promo #01[HQ]
Eine Beschreibung der Global Promo im FOX-Forum:
Quote:We see the patient of the week, hunting or something like that when he falls.
Then we hear the narrator saying that the patient is Wilson’s friend.
we see Cuddy asking Wilson „What does House think“
Then House giving a bewildered Wilson a cancer diagnoses.
Then the narrator says something in the lines of : Wilson will risk his health to help hos friend. I don’t remember exactly the phrasing, but with the scenes we see, it totally makes sense if he is donating something. We seen him in a hospital bed, with one of those thing you put on to take a shower.
In House’s office, Wilson says : „I want you there when they are doing the surgery“ House says no, Wilson asks why, and House answers : „If you die, I am alone“24. November 2009 um 17:41 Uhr #230047Violett
Teilnehmer24. November 2009 um 21:43 Uhr #230128Anonym
GastKiiM-FM interview mit RSL von heute
KiiM-FM 99.5 Tucsons Country Leader – Play Now
enthält ein paar Infos zur nächsten Episode
25. November 2009 um 1:34 Uhr #230095Violett
TeilnehmerSpoilers Are A Privilege Not A Right ~ An Assessment of House Fandom – House M.D. – Fanpop
Robert Sean Leonard on ‚House‘, movies and his happy lack of ambition: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/showtracker/2009/11/robert-sean-leonard-on-house-movies-and-his-happy-lack-of-ambition.html
Hier sind die ersten 3 Minuten der Folge 6×10 „Wilson“: http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/watch_with_kristin/b155383_see_first_three_minutes_of_houses.html
4 weitere Promophotos zur Episode 10 „Wilson“: http://community.livejournal.com/house_wilson/3785873.html?#cutid1
25. November 2009 um 13:46 Uhr #230174Anonym
GastGY auf Twitter vor ein paar Minuten:
Quote:first three minutes of monday’s Wilson-centric episode! See the First Three Minutes of House’s Wilson-Centric Ep! – E! Online this will be our last new episode for about two months.25. November 2009 um 17:58 Uhr #230215–SemperFi–
MitgliedQuote:Any chance we’ll see a Wilson-Cuddy hookup on House? — Allison
MICKEY: I suppose this is a natural progression after we all lived through Huddy, but Robert Sean Leonard disabused us of that notion when we asked. „I think [Wilson] is a dark guy. He has three ex-wives, he lives alone, deals with death every day and his best friend is House,“ he says. „So when I think about him with Cuddy, it doesn’t work.“ Fine, so then maybe there’s someone else out there for him? Not for now, says Leonard. He’ll just have to content himself with a domestic partner (as in roommate) in House. They’ll be going apartment-hunting together soon.25. November 2009 um 20:51 Uhr #230270Dr. Crusher
MitgliedNeues von Ausiello (da dachte sich wohl jemand, doppelt hält besser?):
Quote:Question: I need to know if there is still hope for House and Cuddy this season. —Jaden
Ausiello: There’s still hope. And that’s all you’re getting out of me.
Question: I’m feeling pretty down about House and Cuddy these days. Any chance there is even a tiny bit of good news ahead for Huddy fans? —Megan
Ausiello: There is good news ahead. And that’s all you’re getting out of me.Ahso, und:
Quote:Question: Can we get more info about who House will get a job for at Princeton-Plainsboro? —Abby
Ausiello: I have written about this person in the past two weeks.Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on ‚Bones,‘ ‚Glee,‘ ‚Chuck,‘ ‚Gossip Girl,‘ and more! | Ausiello | EW.com
25. November 2009 um 21:13 Uhr #230275Anonym
GastGY hat in sein Twitter-Layout die Ausstrahlungstermine der restlichen Episoden bis zum Staffelfinale „eingearbeitet“. Demnach gibt es das Staffelfinale am 17.Mai 2010.
Quote:Houses US Air Dates11/30 – Ep 6.10
1/11 – Ep 6.11
1/25 – Ep 6.12
2/1 – Ep 6.13
2/8 – Ep 6.14
3/1 – Ep 6.15
3/15 – Ep 6.16
3/22 – Ep 6.17
4/5 – Ep 6.18
4/19 – Ep 6.19
5/3 – Ep 6.20
5/10 – Ep 6.21
5/17 – Final Ep 6.2227. November 2009 um 3:26 Uhr #23042627. November 2009 um 7:17 Uhr #230431yasmin
MitgliedEin Interview mit Robert Sean Leonard:
House: Interview With Robert Sean Leonard : House is Right – House is Right from b5media
28. November 2009 um 15:29 Uhr #230638Violett
TeilnehmerGreg Yaitanes hat David Foster interviewt.
29. November 2009 um 7:02 Uhr #230746–SemperFi–
Mitglied2 neue Promos für „Wilson“
29. November 2009 um 9:45 Uhr #230759 -
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