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18. November 2009 um 8:02 Uhr #228845
MitgliedNeue Promo für Ignorance is Bliss:
18. November 2009 um 8:22 Uhr #228846vanyx
Mitglied@–SemperFi– 956031 wrote:
Neue Promo für Ignorance is Bliss:
Promo bei Youtube.
18. November 2009 um 14:11 Uhr #228864Lia
MitgliedHier gefunden: iwatchforcuddy
Keine Ahnung ob es stimmt oder nicht.Lisa is not going anywhere. Period.
if you´re a Huddy, episode 14 sucks on every level. There´s no Huddy sex, but there´s Luddy sex. Yuck!It´s a Cuddy-centric episode. Cuddy wants to quit because of some administrative problem at the hospital, but at the end everything is fine. End of story.
And Lucas is still there at the end.
I don´t think Lisa is very happy with this story either. She´s a Huddy by heart.
OMG I just saw the above somewhere, and what she/he said shocked me a lot; damn it!
And there’s also rumor that Lucas would be there for the whole season 6!
What do you feel?= =
I am hopeless…….;(
18. November 2009 um 17:13 Uhr #228889–SemperFi–
MitgliedGreg on Twitter:
@GregYaitanes I know this is pushing it, but I’ll try anyways. In ep. 14, does C have any serious decisions to make?
@colormegaby yes. many.@GregYaitanes those decisions…are in any way connected to House and Lucas? Tell me Huddy still has hope!
@GregYaitanes oh, and, I’m super-curious about something. Do you already know how this season is gonna end? Is it planned out already?
@mirandascully tomorrow is the day i learn all that. the ultimate spoiler meeting. the mole would die to be there!@GregYaitanes have you already planned this season’s finale? Do you already know how it’ll end?
@mirandascully i have heard rumors around the office. it’s going to be breathtaking.@GregYaitanes can you pleeasee tell us which of the following episodes will be good for Huddy-fans? thanks
@AugustGirl_ we need a three way ship name for House Lucas Cuddy. anyone?@GregYaitanes Hey there Greg, can you tell me how long Michael Weston is staying? Thank you! P.S. You’re Awesome
@Katiex3gg i can’t and won’t answer that. sorry.@GregYaitanes Yo! The rumor mill is churning. Better put it to rest now before it gets out of control. Rumor: Lisa E. is leaving House!
@LuckyNKY76 oh yeah? says who?19. November 2009 um 2:33 Uhr #228976Violett
TeilnehmerQuestion: House writer Tommy Moran tweeted that episode 14 is a big one for Cuddy. My question for you is how big? —Anna
Ausiello: So big that I hear Cuddy will be sharing her bed with two different people by the end of the hour.Question: I feel an urge to poison my liver with a bottle of 150-buck Russian vodka after the rumor I just heard regarding episode 14 of House. Cuddy and Lucas are going to have sex? Seriously? What does your mole say about it? Can I head to the liquor store? Should I buy some Valium just in case? —Andie
Ausiello: I hope you’re sitting down Andie because I have some earth-shattering news for you. Cuddy and Lucas have already had sex. Lots of it. That’s what boys and girls do when they’re in a romantic relationship. Now, as far as the Feb. 8 episode goes, all I’ll say is that Cuddy does, in fact, have a sexual encounter.Question: I need some House scoop! —Raymond
Ausiello: House is going to pull some strings to get someone a job at Princeton Plainsboro in early ‘10. And someone else (a current employee) is not going to be happy about it.19. November 2009 um 10:24 Uhr #228988–SemperFi–
MitgliedSchätze mal auch zu Episode 14:
„I haven’t read nor hear anything about a proposal, so relax. But House in fact helps her. There’s a really nice Huddy scene (maybe the only one) where Cuddy needs some time alone and House finds her and tries to give her an advice. It turns out bad because House is House. But at the end he gives her an idea that helps her solve the situation at PPTH.“
Source: „Spoilers“ thread from the Hugh&Lisa Fanpop group
19. November 2009 um 12:20 Uhr #228995Anonym
Gast19. November 2009 um 15:42 Uhr #229024Joy
Mitglied19.11.2009: Im Februar wird es eine Episode geben, in der Cuddy mit zwei Männern ins Bett steigt, jedoch nicht gleichzeitig. Außerdem wird House jemanden Neues ins Team bringen, was einem Teammitglied überhaupt nicht passt. (Quelle: EntertainmentWeekly)
19. November 2009 um 19:45 Uhr #229125Violett
Teilnehmer@Joy 956714 wrote:
19.11.2009: Im Februar wird es eine Episode geben, in der Cuddy mit zwei Männern ins Bett steigt, jedoch nicht gleichzeitig. Außerdem wird House jemanden Neues ins Team bringen, was einem Teammitglied überhaupt nicht passt. (Quelle: EntertainmentWeekly)
Dieser Spoiler ist falsch übersetzt!
In Ausiellos Spoiler steht, dass Cuddy mit zwei verschiedenen Personen am Ende der Folge das Bett teilen wird.
Von Männern steht dort nichts.Wenn ihr deutschsprachige Versionen von Spoilern postet, dann solltet ihr aufpassen, dass diese auch korrekt übersetzt sind. Wir kennen das ja mittlerweile von der Synchronisation, wie eine schlechte Übersetzung den Sinn des Textes verfälschen kann.
Greg Yaitanes Interview mit David Hoselton, dem Drehbuchschreiber der House Folge 6×9 „Ignorance is Bliss!“
20. November 2009 um 9:49 Uhr #229165–SemperFi–
MitgliedNeue Promo für 06×09:
20. November 2009 um 13:35 Uhr #229183vanyx
Mitglied@–SemperFi– 957129 wrote:
Neue Promo für 06×09:
Vid bei Youtube
21. November 2009 um 0:18 Uhr #229275Violett
TeilnehmerEs gibt noch mehr Promophotos zur Episode 6×10 Wilson!
Aber leider mit Wasserzeichen.
house_wilson: Episode 6.10 – Wilson – Promotional Photos
http://www.spoilertv.com/2009/11/house-episode-610-wilson-additional.html21. November 2009 um 20:26 Uhr #22949323. November 2009 um 6:50 Uhr #229771–SemperFi–
Mitglied23. November 2009 um 12:22 Uhr #229787 -
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