Staffel 6 – News & Spoiler Only-Thread

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  • #227297

    Die Sneak Peaks für die Folge 6×07 sind da! :)
    Es sind drei Stück an der Zahl.
    Nur, leider funktioniert der Clip mit Foreman (noch?) nicht.

    FOX on Demand



    In der US-Episode vom 23. November – der ersten Post-Cameron (Jennifer Morrison) (Serienjunkies vom 24.09.2009) – stellt Dr. Direkt (Hugh Laurie) einen harschen Vergleich zwischen Chase (Jesse Spencer) und seiner abwesenden Ehefrau an – und kriegt dafür vom Australier kräftig eins auf die Nase. Chase wird vom Aufbruch seiner Frau ziemlich aus der Bahn geworfen.
    Quelle:US-Serien: Spoil me – Neuste Informationen zu US-Serien – Redaktion – Serienjunkies

    6.08 Teamwork (US-Ausstrahlung: 16. November 2009)

    04.11.2009 Nachdem House seine Approbation wieder bekommen hat, will er seine Stelle als Chef der Diagnostik-Abteilung wieder haben, um Hank Hardwick zu behandeln, einen Filmstar, der wegen pulsierender Augenschmerzen ins Princeton Plainsboro kommt. Unterdessen erkennt Cuddy einmal mir, dass ihre Arbeit eine gesunde Beziehung zu einem Mann praktisch ausschließt. (Quelle: SpoilerTV)


    @Violett 949682 wrote:

    Die Sneak Peaks für die Folge 6×07 sind da! :)

    Nur, leider funktioniert der Clip mit Foreman (noch?) nicht.

    FOX on Demand

    aber hier funktionieren sie alle ;)

    und ein Bildchen

    Gast Jesse Spencer on Chase’s Guilt, Cameron’s Exit and the New Team

    ein Inteview mit Jesse Spencer & Louise Griffiths auf YouTube, ab 2:45 sagt er ein paar Worte zur nächsten Episode

    und im FOX-Forum hat Huddyfan1989 geschrieben:

    Lucas’s does something bad to House. Physically bad.

    House’s leg hurts, so he goes to the bathroom to see if a shower can help him and he ¨accidentally¨ falls down because there´s too much water on the floor, or something like that. And both he and Wilson know this means someone is breaking into their home just to mess with them.

    Just for clarification it not anounced directly it lucas but house and wilson know somebody broke into there house and set this trap up.
    They suspect it lucas though.

    Lucas is a PI so he would know how to break into other people homes.




    6×09 – Ignorance is Bliss – Promotional Photos


    Es gibt 4 Promophotos zur Folge 6×09 – Ignorance Is Bliss!

    Finden könnt ihr sie hier: House – Episode 6.08 – Ignorance is Bliss – Promotional Photos | Spoiler TV


    da nicht jeder gerne etwas runterlädt, auf You Tube ist sie auch: House M.D. – 6×08 ‚Teamwork‘ Promo #02 [HQ]

    noch mehr Promo Pics für 6×08 Teamwork


    Ask Ausiello

    Question: The last episode of House was painful to watch for us ‘Huddy’ fans. Please tell me Cuddy will drop the stupid PI and give House a chance? —Heather
    Ausiello: Looks like we’re stuck with Lucas at least through early February. If it makes you feel any better, rumors that House’s mental institution lay, Lydia, will be paying a visit to Princeton-Plainsboro are apparently not true. An insider says there are no immediate plans for Franka Potente to return.



    If people thought that Lucas was a sublimely menacing, passive-aggressive heel for metaphorically emasculating House in front of Cuddy and Wilson during the table scene from „Known Unknowns,“ wait until they read the following exchange from the „Spoilers“ subsection of the House Fox Forum that I’ve posted below:

    „Lucas does something bad to House in Episode 13. Physically bad. House’s leg hurts, so he goes to the bathroom to see if a shower can help him and he ‚accidentally‘ falls down because there’s too much water on the floor, or something like that. And both he and Wilson know this means someone is breaking into their home just to mess with them. House ends up with a large cut on his cheek.“

    Before anyone asks whether or not the poster that presented this information can be trusted, I will say that this person is the same one who disclosed that Luca’s presence on the show would continue beyond Episode 10 until Episode 13 or 14 during the second half of Season 6. This is also the same individual that revealed that House and Cuddy will supposedly argue over some photos in Episode 12. Furthermore, it seems this person really is providing us with insider information because his (her?) posts are being systematically deleted over at the House Fox Forum in order to prevent these spoilers from disseminating across various House fandom communities.

    Finally, check out this tweet from Greg Yaitanes that somewhat confirms what was mentioned in the aforementioned exchange:

    @GregYaitanes Regarding the stability commented that Cuddy needs,Is really Lucas the stern and balanced person Lisa is looking for?mmmmm
    @mariecoelli you are asking the right questions.meaning of course Lucas may not be stable • Login


    Auf SpoilerTV gibt es ein paar zusätzliche Promophotos zur Folge 6×09 „Ignorance is bliss“!

    House – Episode 6.09 – Ignorance is Bliss – Additional Promotional Photos | Spoiler TV


    Twitter: house_geek

    untitled picture


    TV Guide:

    House Episode: „Wilson“

    Episode Synopsis: Wilson works on a case involving his old friend (Joshua Malina), and he makes a bet with House that the diagnosis is not the return of cancer. Meanwhile, Cuddy has questions about real estate, so she turns to Wilson. Original Air Date: Nov 30, 2009


    Wurde das schon irgendwo geposted? Wenn ja, dann einfach diesen Beitrag entfernen :-)


    Doris Egan hat in ihrem LJ-Blog ein paar Fragen beantwortet die ihr zur Folge 6×07 „Known Unknowns“ gestellt wurden.

    Tightrope Walker – Mr. Continuity

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