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3. November 2009 um 3:10 Uhr #226838
TeilnehmerSpoiler von Kristin
Kelly in Tulsa, Okla.: I am a huge Olivia Wilde fan, and I was wondering if you had any news about her character, Thirteen, on House?
Good news, Foreteen fans. In an upcoming episode of House, Foreman comes crawling back (sort of). According to a source, he tells Thirteen he’s sorry he fired her and that he still loves her. Could this be the start of some sort of rekindled romance? Sure sounds like it, doesn’t it!? So how do we feel about this?K.T. in Pennsylvania: I keep hearing a rumor that Michael Weston’s arc won’t end in episode 10 of House. I hear he’s back in episode 12. Should House-Cuddy fans be giving up on their ship?
Lucas (Michael Weston) is definitely a presence beyond episode 10: Even though Lucas doesn’t appear onscreen in the following episode, House and Cuddy spend most of the time arguing about Cuddy’s relationship with him. The good news? House certainly still seems to be harboring some fierce feelings for Cuddy. A source tells me he’s going to rip up a photo of Lucas.3. November 2009 um 7:04 Uhr #226840–SemperFi–
Mitglied3. November 2009 um 8:05 Uhr #226842Anonym
Gasthier ist eine Bescheibung zu der Global Promo, da ja leider nichts zu verstehen ist
The promo starts off with House catching Wilson packing his stuff in his room so Wilson tells him how they’re going to a conference. Then it goes on to show House dressed up in his costume & Cuddy asking him how much he paid for the pants to which House says „It was in Wilson’s bag.“ Then they cut to a scene of Wilson with only shirt & boxers on calling room service(?) for a pair of pants. The voice-over comes on to say „And House makes a move“ (they show the clip of him checking her out in her office). The voice-over continues „But has Cuddy moved on“ & that’s where they show the clip of House standing by the door-way realizing that Cuddy is hiding something. He goes into her room & they show Lucas sitting on the couch with Rachel on his lap. Lucas sees him and says „this is awkward“ & House replies „a bit“ & you can see Cuddy squirming behind House.
3. November 2009 um 15:53 Uhr #226884Lia
MitgliedNeues von Matt Webb Mitovich:
Will House and Cuddy get some actual action with each other this season? – Amy
By “actual,” do you mean non-hallucinated? That’d be nice, but no signs point to an in-the-flesh hookup anytime soon. Perhaps as small consolation, director Greg Yaitanes teased via Twitter that “Cuddy fans are going to go crazy” when they catch this season’s 14th episode. “It’s awesome.” And yet a small eternity away.Quelle:The Big Tease: Scoop on Grey’s Anatomy, Chuck, Supernatural, Smallville and More | Fancast News
3. November 2009 um 22:21 Uhr #226952Dr. Crusher
MitgliedBissle detailiertere Infos (die Fox Press Release) zu 6×08, „Teamwork“:
HOUSE PLAYS DIRTY ON AN ALL-NEW “HOUSE”MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, ON FOXAfter House’s medical license is reinstated, he reclaims his role as Head of Diagnostics in time to treat Hank Hardwick (guest star Troy Garity), an adult film star admitted to Princeton Plainsboro for pulsating eye pain. Meanwhile, Cuddy is reminded that the hospial is not conducive to healthy personal relationships, and House angles to form a dream team in the all-new “Teamwork” episode of HOUSE airing Monday, Nov. 16 (8:00-9:01 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (HOU-60 8 (TV-14 D, L)
Cast: Hugh Laurie as Dr. Gregory House; Lisa Edelstein as Dr. Lisa Cuddy; Omar Epps as Dr. Eric Foreman; Robert Sean Leonard as Dr. James Wilson; Jennifer Morrison as Dr. Allison Cameron; Jesse Spencer as Dr. Robert Chase; Peter Jacobson as Dr. Chris Taub; Olivia Wilde as Thirteen
Guest Cast: Jennifer Crystal Foley as Rachel Taub; Troy Garity as Hank; Jolene Blalock as Lexa; Paul Hayes as Mr. Klingman; Deborah Quayle as Phyllis; Ben Giroux as Rick/Director
4. November 2009 um 1:25 Uhr #226954Anonym
GastHouse’s Olive Wilde: Jennifer Morrison Coming Back!
First, Jen’s character, Dr. Allison Cameron, was reportedly being written off the show. Now, word is that she’ll be back to guest star. So what’s the real deal on set?
„As far as I know she’s coming back,“ Olivia said. „I think now she’s not in a few episodes, but she’s coming back. None of us really knew what was going on, but at this point, I’ve heard the same information as you.“
Were Wilde’s castmates surprised by the decision to give a major character a DNR order?
Not so much.
„We’re used to them being unpredictable,“ Olivia explained. „My character went to Thailand for a little while…you never know! That’s what makes the show great and makes us really appreciate the shows we have.“
4. November 2009 um 17:58 Uhr #227052Joy
Das nennt man dann wohl einen Teaser: „Dr. House“-Regisseur Greg Yaitanes verkündete via Twitter, dass Fans von Dr. Cuddy (Lisa Edelstein) sich auf und über die 14. Episode der Staffel freuen können.
Quelle:US-Serien: Spoil me – Neuste Informationen zu US-Serien – Seite 2 von 2 – Redaktion – Serienjunkies
4. November 2009 um 18:24 Uhr #227056–SemperFi–
MitgliedGY auf Twitter:
@GregYaitanes is it true that around episode 10 the tables turn and house ends up nursing wilson back to health?
GY: No.4. November 2009 um 21:31 Uhr #2270965. November 2009 um 6:49 Uhr #227105yasmin
Mitglied5. November 2009 um 6:50 Uhr #227106–SemperFi–
MitgliedQuestion: It’s great to see Jesse Spencer getting a powerful storyline on House. Any news on how he’ll cope without Cameron? —Angela
Ausiello: Not well. In the Nov. 23 episode — the first sans Jennifer Morrison as Cameron — he loses it and punches House in the face! “Chase is very clearly off his game,” says a House insider, “and struggling with the loss of Cameron.” What prompts the fisticuffs? Apparently, Doc Crankypants unfavorably compares him to his far prettier, smarter wife, and Chase blows his top and decks him!Question: Jesse Spencer has been amazing in the current arc on House, but I’m worried this storyline is setting up his eventual exit from the show a la Jennifer Morrison. Any word from your mole? —Carol
Ausiello: My mole assures me that you’re just being paranoid. Jesse’s staying put. (For now at least.)6. November 2009 um 3:26 Uhr #227198Violett
TeilnehmerAuf SpoilerTV gibt es neue Promophotos zur Folge 6×08 Teamwork!
House – Episode 6.08 – Teamwork – Promotional Photos | Spoiler TV
6. November 2009 um 6:27 Uhr #227200–SemperFi–
MitgliedTalking TV With The Producers Of ‚House‘ – Forbes.com
@–SemperFi–: Den Artikel hatte ich schon am Vorabend im http://www.drhouseforum.de/charaktere-und-schauspieler/210-zeitungsartikel-interviews-etc-126.html#post949002 Thread gepostet.
Bitte nicht alles mehrfach im Forum verteilen!
Gruß Violett6. November 2009 um 16:13 Uhr #227219Violett
TeilnehmerAs if the split between Cameron and Chase isn’t a dramatic enough turn on this season of House, expect some physical altercations at Princeton Plainsboro in the near future. On November 23, Chase will lose it, and as a result punch the cranky doctor in the face. “House keeps pushing [Chase’s] buttons. And then he pushes him a little bit too far,” Jesse Spencer told TV Guide Magazine at the Breeder’s Cup Winners Circle event on November 5. “Chase is in kind of a weird spot right now.”
Chase isn’t the only one confused. Much like his character, Spencer has no idea whether or not his costar Jennifer Morrison will return to the show. “She may. We don’t know. She’s still on the payroll,” he tells us. “But I quite like being in that situation because then we’re sort of living it as the characters are living it. It’s kind of nice to play the character in that limbo.”
Spencer says he is used to things being up in the air, especially after the introduction of a new team in season four “That came out of left field, and they like to move in left field circles,” he says, “They’ll sort of go, ‘We’re moving in a different direction for right now but, rest assured, you’ll still be around…I guess.’”
As for whether of not Cameron and Chase will reunite, he certainly hopes so, and not just for his character’s sake. “We get along really well – we’re friends –and it is sad to see her go, but she’s great and she’ll do other stuff and hopefully she’ll come back so we can have torturous relationships and make each other cry.”
Quelle: TV Guide Magazine
6. November 2009 um 20:25 Uhr #227272Lisa Edelstein
MitgliedChase wird in einer der nächsten Folgen House schlagen, nachdem dieser ihn mit Cameron verglichen hat. Chase verkraftet Camerons Weggang nicht gut. (Quelle: Entertainment Weekly)
Lucas wird definitiv über Folge #6.10 hinaus zu sehen sein. House wird vor allem in Folge Elf mit Cuddy rege Diskussionen über ihre Beziehung führen (Quelle:E!Online)
Foreman wird sich bei Dreizehn dafür entschuldigen, dass er sie gefeuert hat. Das könnte auch die Wiederaufnahme ihrer Beziehung bedeuten. (Quelle: E!Online)
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