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18. Oktober 2009 um 20:48 Uhr #22442919. Oktober 2009 um 4:10 Uhr #224433
Mitglied19. Oktober 2009 um 6:35 Uhr #22443819. Oktober 2009 um 17:29 Uhr #22454719. Oktober 2009 um 18:07 Uhr #224561Dr. Crusher
MitgliedNeues von Ausiello:
‚House‘ exclusive: Will ‚NCIS‘ star split up Hilson? | Ausiello | EW.com
House und Wilson bekommen eine schnittige Nachbarin
19. Oktober 2009 um 22:33 Uhr #224612Anonym
GastCasting Call
[WARREN] Male, AFRICAN-AMERICAN, 18-25 to play a college student, MUST BE at least 300 lbs. & at least 6’1″…GUEST STAR
20. Oktober 2009 um 5:32 Uhr #22461620. Oktober 2009 um 5:45 Uhr #224618–SemperFi–
MitgliedHouse – Promo for Fall November Episodes
Jaclyn in Fresno, Calif.: Please, I need some news on Cuddy and House—tell me something good about them!
Look for House to throw himself into his work more than usual once he discovers that Cuddy is dating Lucas (Michael Weston). Poor House even follows Cuddy to a medical conference to try to get closer to her, and that’s when he finds out about the other man.
Katie in North Carolina: I need some House news! When is Taub coming back?
Taub (Peter Jacobsen) will be back on House’s team before you know it. Episode eight features a medically interesting porn-star case that House uses to seduce Taub and Thirteen (Olivia Wilde) back to the team. Taub plays hard to get for a while, but the whole team (sans poor Jennifer Morrison’s Cameron) should be back together full-time come November sweeps.20. Oktober 2009 um 9:51 Uhr #224631Anonym
GastCasting Call
[JOSE] – male, Latin, day laborer, mid 20s-mid 30s, must be FLUENT in Spanish since all the dialogue is in Spanish, CO-STAR
21. Oktober 2009 um 2:48 Uhr #224706Violett
TeilnehmerAndre Braugher was fantastic on the House season premiere. Any chance he’ll return if House needs more counseling? — DeeBee
MICKEY: He won’t be, since he’s landed on a new show, Men of a Certain Age, with Ray Romano and Scott Bakula, which debuts on TNT in December. That said, House executive Katie Jacobs speaks very highly of Braugher and told us she’d love to figure out a way to bring Dr. Nolan back into the fold.
Quelle: Mega Buzz: Scoop on Grey’s Anatomy, House, Heroes and More! – Today’s News: Our Take | TVGuide.com
Und noch ein Geschenk von Greg Yaitanes
YouTube – Deleted Flashback Scene House ep 6×0621. Oktober 2009 um 20:12 Uhr #17268122. Oktober 2009 um 6:03 Uhr #224830–SemperFi–
Mitgliedomarepps on Twitter: Lisa says hi!
Yfrog – k4l – Uploaded by omareppsomarepps on Twitter: Ahhh the details…
http://img96.yfrog.com/i/7hm.jpg/22. Oktober 2009 um 6:05 Uhr #224831Anonym
GastAsk Ausiello:
Have Olivia Wilde and Peter Jacobson left House for good? —Megan
Ausiello: No. The revolving door at Princeton-Plainsboro will spin yet again next month when Thirteen and Taub request their old jobs back. Coincidentally, that’s right around the time Cameron and Chase decide to quit and move to Chicago. (Guess which one of them changes their mind at the last minute!)Do you have any news regarding House, Wilson, and the progression of their relationship? —Xay
Ausiello: I’m hearing there’s tons of good House-Wilson action in episodes 10 and 11, including a scene my mole singles out as one of his/her “favorite Hilson moments ever.”24. Oktober 2009 um 8:14 Uhr #22508524. Oktober 2009 um 21:02 Uhr #225263 -
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