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14. Oktober 2009 um 15:07 Uhr #135526
Mitglied14. Oktober 2009 um 18:24 Uhr #134671–SemperFi–
MitgliedLet’s face it: TV this week was pretty disgusting. On Heroes, Sylar crawled out of his grave and back from the dead — a development that made us disgusted with the show’s writers. A sense of moral outrage accompanied the news that Chase killed an African dictator on House.
Least Suspected Killer: House’s Foreman figures out that Chase has switched the blood samples of an African dictator, killing him with a misdiagnosis. It’s one thing to have a moral dilemma about treating such an oppressive tyrant, especially on an episode on House; it’s an entirely different thing to commit murder. Guess we know now why Cameron’s hitting the road, huh?
GregYaitanes @ Twitter: Production office brag wall.
_______________Shore Explains All
14. Oktober 2009 um 18:24 Uhr #134754–SemperFi–
MitgliedLet’s face it: TV this week was pretty disgusting. On Heroes, Sylar crawled out of his grave and back from the dead — a development that made us disgusted with the show’s writers. A sense of moral outrage accompanied the news that Chase killed an African dictator on House.
Least Suspected Killer: House’s Foreman figures out that Chase has switched the blood samples of an African dictator, killing him with a misdiagnosis. It’s one thing to have a moral dilemma about treating such an oppressive tyrant, especially on an episode on House; it’s an entirely different thing to commit murder. Guess we know now why Cameron’s hitting the road, huh?
GregYaitanes @ Twitter: Production office brag wall.
_______________Shore Explains All
14. Oktober 2009 um 22:59 Uhr #133321Violett
Teilnehmer@GregYaitanes Do you think House loves Wilson?
30 minutes ago from web@soophelia maybe. Be sure to watch ep11.
8 minutes ago from Tweetie in reply to soophelia
@GregYaitanes aw, that’s too bad! To make me feel better, could you tell me what eps so far you think will make H/W fans happiest? *g*
about 4 hours ago from web in reply to GregYaitanes@capitalmy today’s read through of ep11 was insanely fantastic for any Hilson fans
3 minutes ago from Tweetie in reply to capitalmyEdit:
Latest From Ausiello – 14th OctQuestion: You recently said that Robert Sean Leonard should prepare an Emmy acceptance speech, so that must mean Wilson has some juicy storyline action coming up on House. What can you tell us about our favorite boy wonder oncologist? —Clover
Ausiello: Don’t be surprised if around episode 10 the tables turn and House ends up nursing Wilson back to health.Quelle: http://ausiellofiles.ew.com/2009/10/14/ask-ausiello-spoilers-on-ncis-house-greys-csi-and-more/
Ein neues Photo von GregYaitanes mit dem Titel Our AD’s Robert and Kevin. And the House pool table befindet sich im Anhang.
14. Oktober 2009 um 22:59 Uhr #133403Violett
Teilnehmer@GregYaitanes Do you think House loves Wilson?
30 minutes ago from web@soophelia maybe. Be sure to watch ep11.
8 minutes ago from Tweetie in reply to soophelia
@GregYaitanes aw, that’s too bad! To make me feel better, could you tell me what eps so far you think will make H/W fans happiest? *g*
about 4 hours ago from web in reply to GregYaitanes@capitalmy today’s read through of ep11 was insanely fantastic for any Hilson fans
3 minutes ago from Tweetie in reply to capitalmyEdit:
Latest From Ausiello – 14th OctQuestion: You recently said that Robert Sean Leonard should prepare an Emmy acceptance speech, so that must mean Wilson has some juicy storyline action coming up on House. What can you tell us about our favorite boy wonder oncologist? —Clover
Ausiello: Don’t be surprised if around episode 10 the tables turn and House ends up nursing Wilson back to health.Quelle: http://ausiellofiles.ew.com/2009/10/14/ask-ausiello-spoilers-on-ncis-house-greys-csi-and-more/
Ein neues Photo von GregYaitanes mit dem Titel Our AD’s Robert and Kevin. And the House pool table befindet sich im Anhang.
15. Oktober 2009 um 13:00 Uhr #130838Liza
MitgliedDas hier ist wirklich mal spannend, da sind Bescheribungen von den nächsten Folgen Breaking News – SWING FOR THE FENCES THIS NOVEMBER ON FOX | TheFutonCritic.com
15. Oktober 2009 um 18:35 Uhr #12862316. Oktober 2009 um 4:17 Uhr #128065Violett
TeilnehmerNeues Tweet von Greg Yaitanes Twitteraccount:
@jradionsmith ep 8 is a good hameron ep. huddys will have to enjoy 6 and 7
about 1 hour ago from Brizzly in reply to jradionsmith17. Oktober 2009 um 0:19 Uhr #124671vanyx
MitgliedGreg Yaitaneshat auf seinem Twitter Acc die Ausstrahlungstermine für weitere Episoden veröffenlicht.
6×06 – 19.10.2009
6×07 – 09.11.2009
6×08 – 16.11.2009
6×09 – 23.11.2009
6×10 – 30.11.2009
6×11 – 11.01.2010
6×12 – 25.01.2010
6×13 – 01.02.2010
6×14 – 08.02.2010
6×15 – 01.03.2010
6×16 – 15.03.2010
6×17 – 22.03.2010
6×18 – 05.04.2010
6×19 – 19.04.2010
6×20 – 03.05.2010
6×21 – 10.05.2010
6×22 – 17.05.201017. Oktober 2009 um 1:20 Uhr #124654Violett
TeilnehmerZitat von Sara Hess auf Twitter:
Our director Nick Gomez sits in this yellow chair while calling his shots, no joke.
Quelle des Photos: SaraHess’s Images
17. Oktober 2009 um 14:37 Uhr #123395–SemperFi–
MitgliedSpoilers from Greg Yaitanes – 15.10.2009 on Twitter
Do you think House loves Wilson?
Maybe. Be sure to watch ep11.Aw, that’s too bad! To make me feel better, could you tell me what eps so far you think will make H/W fans happiest?
Today’s read through of ep11 was insanely fantastic for any Hilson fans.Hello Thx for all your infos ! I would to ask you if there’s any chance to have some Hugh/Lisa Photoshoot some day .. ?
I’m not sure.I am so very intrigued about hatred of House’s parents… is it the actors, the characters, or the concept?
I was not happy with my work in daddy’s boy. i felt the casting was last second and not of the quality i hoped.What is the significance of House’s oversize tennis ball? Is there any significance to the colors?
It’s actually a dog’s toy.Hey, I was curious, do you have a favorite ship on House? Huddy, Hameron or maybe Hilson?
I am in swiss waters when it comes to the ships.Is there any chance of an epidemic type episode this year or is that classified?
You never know.That good!Cuddy is part of the drama! I think she should have more scenes! She is so funny even when this troublesome is funny OMG! This is becoming increasingly interesting! We have much Huddy?
Yep!Are true the rumors that Salma Hayek will be in two House episodes?
Not true!What do you think of the house/cuddy relationship? i’ve always wanted to know.
Love it.When will you start planning out the second half of the season?
Soon.Yes or No? Will we see anything else dealing with House’s father issues concerning either/both John House and his bio dad?
A bit.Is Taub coming back soon? I miss him
Me too!I was wondering.. is HL still exec prod or was it just on Broken?
He is and has been. his name will show up again soon.On the FOX site, Broken is Episode 1, Epic Fail is 2 and so on. Wasn’t Broken both 1 &2, Epic Fail 3? How many left?
22 total. broken counts as ep 1 and 2 of this year.Has Peter just been stealthily written outta the series? It’s been 2 episodes already… we’ve all noticed him missing!
All this talk of jen everyone forgot about poor taub!Any chance of the return of (Evil) Nurse Brenda Previn? Or the Clinic!?
Not that i am aware.Greg each week the episodes are better!!!!! Is True that Lydia coming back??
Someday. Not soon.17. Oktober 2009 um 23:45 Uhr #224102Violett
TeilnehmerGreg Yaitanes hat über seinen Twitteraccount Bescheid gesagt, dass Katie Jacobs online ist und über den Twitteraccount ihrer Tochter Fragen beantwortet. Ihre Tochter xoxannabelle hat dafür extra ihren Account freigeschaltet.
So hatte ich gerade die Möglichkeit gehabt mit Katie Jacobs zu chatten.
Hier kommen die Fragen, die Kathrina und ich ihr gestellt haben und Katie Jacobs Antworten darauf:GabbyG77 @xoxannabelle how could Houses leg pain ‚magically disappear‘ after the detox in Mayfield and could be managed just by Ibuprofen?
20 minutes ago from webxoxannabelle @GabbyG77 he still has pain, he’s managing it with non-narcotics, but it’s still a struggle for him.
10 minutes ago from Brizzly in reply to GabbyG77GabbyG77 @xoxannabelle Hose stayed of Vicodin after the ketamine treatment and the pain still returned,so it couldn’t have just been opioid dependency
19 minutes ago from webxoxannabelle @GabbyG77 it’s still a real struggle for him.
12 minutes ago from Brizzly in reply to GabbyG77GabbyG77 @xoxannabelle Does it mean, House feels as bad as ever and maybe more, but he fears the hallucinations a bit more than the pain?
5 minutes ago from webxoxannabelle @GabbyG77 kind of. he knows its a slippery slope once he starts taking vicodin.
2 minutes ago from Brizzly in reply to GabbyG77Und dann gab es noch folgendes Statement:
@xoxannabelle: Gah, have to think of questions that won’t be an obvious „Can’t say right now“… Amber hallucinations put on the backburner?
about 1 hour ago from web@statutoryjape hallucinations are on backburner
7 minutes ago from Brizzly in reply to statutoryjape18. Oktober 2009 um 11:12 Uhr #224177yasmin
MitgliedKatie Jacobs Interview
18. Oktober 2009 um 16:48 Uhr #224311fish-and-chips
MitgliedGY twittert:
If I reach 4k followers today (that’s 182 more) then i’ll post my interview with Kaplow and an excluive behind the scene pix of Brave Heart17
minutes ago from webDas wird wohl kein Problem sein, einen hab ich ihm schonmal angeworben. ^^
18. Oktober 2009 um 18:48 Uhr #224391–SemperFi–
MitgliedSpoilers from Greg Yaitanes from Twitter:
Which is the episode you enjoyed directing the most? All seasons I mean And which is your favourite in general?
Houses head.You said huddy shippers would love 607, what about 608 and 609? anything you can tell us about those? will wi like them too?
You’ll like them all. We are on a roll.
Could you please tell me who wrote or is writing episode 10? Thank you
David Foster.
Ep six has a GREAT huddy scene. one of my favs this season. Love this man!Is the mix always done so close to the air date?
Pretty much when the air dates are this tight. we have a week off from mixing next week.
Nny chance of the unedited striptease being released to the public???
Won’t happen.Which is the difference in being a Producer, Exec. Producer and Co-Exec. Producer? I’m just curious. Thanks.Long answer!
Who has more power an Producer, Exec. Producer or Co-Exec. Producer? Thanks again.
Ep then work down. in tv that is. in film it’s opposite
When you cast an actor for an epi. Who has the last word? Who will make the last decision to hire the actor?
Ddirector along with Katie Jacobs and the writer of the ep all need to agree.Ha, you are bringing more and more peeps here! So.. you at work now? Who’s directing your current episode? (ie ep. 10)
Lesli Glater directing and I expect her to join.
Ever think of doing a cameo on HOUSE?
Hi greg!! I was wondering, when we’ll see clinic scenes with house? .. i hope soon!!
I assume directing is collaborative w/the actors to some degree. Does it become more so w/an established cast as w/House?
Indeed it does.Greg I Miss Alvie! Alvie’s character is not coming back?
Not anytime soon.Hi, will we learn anything about Cuddy’s family this season? Thx.
Some.How did the filming go?
Good! almost done with ep 10 which wraps tomorrow.
I wonder if you have a systematic approach to scripts you direct or is every script/writer show different?
We want director to look at each script as a new show. do what suits the script best. come with a take.
Your greatest challenge will be getting hugh laurie back on twitter – use @stephenfry as leverage if you must.
He was on for five minutes. protected account. so protected he wouldn’t even let me follow!
Which accent does mr laurie use on set when the cameras arent on him? Best.
Always american while shooting.
Who is charge of the musical selections for the episodes? I love the choices, speaking as a music teacher.
@Drdiagnostic @katiejacobs does most of it with gary calamar -
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