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24. September 2009 um 3:50 Uhr #142807
MitgliedQuestion: Rumor has it House tells Cuddy he loves her in this season’s ninth episode. Is this for real? Or is someone pulling a fast one? —Reina
Ausiello: I can confirm that, as it stands now, House tells someone he loves Cuddy.Question: Is it true we’ll meet Cuddy’s sister in the Thanksgiving episode? —Danica
Ausiello: She factors into the story somehow, but we don’t actually meet her. Does that make sense?Question: I loved your interview with Lisa Edelstein on the Emmy red carpet. Do you know how many episodes Michael Weston’s character, Lucas, will be around on House? —Reana
Ausiello: More than one but less than 80.Quelle: Ask Ausiello
Quellenangabe bitte nicht vergessen!
24. September 2009 um 9:11 Uhr #142676Anonym
Gast3 Sneak Peeks:
und aus der französischen Presse: … keine Ahnung inwieweit das stimmt…
Wilson, le chef du département d’oncologie de l’hôpital de Princeton-Plainsboro, devrait voir une nouvelle femme arriver dans sa vie ! Mais comment va réagir le docteur House ? Katie Jacobs, productrice exécutive de docteur House, nous apprend également que Wilson „va déménager de l’appartement d’Amber dans les épisodes 8 et 9“.
24. September 2009 um 9:11 Uhr #142745Anonym
Gast3 Sneak Peeks:
und aus der französischen Presse: … keine Ahnung inwieweit das stimmt…
Wilson, le chef du département d’oncologie de l’hôpital de Princeton-Plainsboro, devrait voir une nouvelle femme arriver dans sa vie ! Mais comment va réagir le docteur House ? Katie Jacobs, productrice exécutive de docteur House, nous apprend également que Wilson „va déménager de l’appartement d’Amber dans les épisodes 8 et 9“.
24. September 2009 um 18:54 Uhr #13929524. September 2009 um 18:54 Uhr #13937524. September 2009 um 20:41 Uhr #205507Anonym
GastWarum Jennifer House verlassen muss: Find Out Why Jennifer Morrison’s Character Is Leaving House – E! Online
24. September 2009 um 23:47 Uhr #205280Virgenie
Mitgliedhouse_cameron: A ray of hope from TV Guide Magazine (not TV Guide WebSite)
Vielleicht ist Jen wirklich nur für eine unbestimmte Zeit weg…
—Inhalt des Doppelposts:—
house_cameron: Katie Jacobs speaks25. September 2009 um 9:33 Uhr #223984yasmin
MitgliedEin Interview mit Hugh und Lisa. Keine Ahnung ob es schon jemand gepostet hat; falls ja sorry..
http://spoilertv.blogspot.com/2009/09/house-hugh-laurie-interview-with-sky.html25. September 2009 um 14:38 Uhr #204888Vicodin-Junkie
MitgliedNochmal zu Camrons Verlassen…
House: Then there were seven – Darsteller steigt aus – Serien – Serienjunkies25. September 2009 um 16:46 Uhr #202568haihappen03
MitgliedThere’s an 80’s party where everyone is in 80’s costume. House shows up in 1780’s garb. What? The invite didn’t specify which 80’s. There is a Safety Dance involved and House and Cuddy dance while reflecting about how they met.
Quelle: http://forums.fox.com/foxhouse/messages/?msg=52360.12
Freelancer has just confirmed that this spoiler is true !!! There is an 80s party in episode 7.
She did however not confirm that House and Cuddy dance together and talk about how they met.25. September 2009 um 20:51 Uhr #202324Violett
TeilnehmerBlind item: Hot couple make love AND war
by Michael AusielloBeing an insanely plugged-in member of this biz called show has its disadvantages. Case in point: I just found out that one of my favorite on-screen duos doesn’t get along in real life. Truth be told, they despise each other, and it’s causing serious conflict on the set.
According to a well-placed insider on this unnamed smash hit, the male half of this twosome claims his leading lady is unprofessional and extremely difficult to work with. Even worse, he has accused her of behaving “inappropriately” at times. He’s made it known to TPTB that he doesn’t want to be in scenes with her, least of all love scenes.
But there’s no getting around those anytime soon. “They told him the love scenes are unavoidable,” says my spy. “Their characters are supposed to be having a torrid affair.”
Agents for the pair are attempting to defuse the situation by promising to make sure both actors maintain professional standards in future scenes.
Quelle: Blind item: Hot couple make love AND war | Ausiello | EW.com
PromoPics für „Instant Carma“ sind online: http://www.foxflash.com/div.php/main/page?aID=1z2z2z83z7z625. September 2009 um 21:41 Uhr #202286vanyx
Mitglied8 MQ Promo Pics für 6×05 „instant karma“
– Cameron must get used to working on House’s team again
– Chase worries when the team must document the treatment of President Dibala
– Foreman works with the team
– House works with his original team
– House tries to get used to his new role when he works with his original team
– House shares serious information with a young patient’s father (Lee Tergesen, L)26. September 2009 um 12:32 Uhr #202000Anonym
GastCasting Call:
This episode films between the 6th and 15th October.
[JUAN] 30s, male, Hispanic, OBESE, CO-STAR, SAG ONLY
[SAUL] Male, elderly, frail, cancer patient, CO-STAR, SAG ONLY
Ein „Behind the scenes“- Video zur 6. Staffel lief wohl gestern auf Sky 1 in England. Ein paar Bilder aus dem Video zu der Konferenz-Folge (6×07?) sind schon hier… vielleicht taucht ja auch irgendwann das Video dazu auf
28. September 2009 um 12:58 Uhr #200100Violett
TeilnehmerHier könnt ihr 8 HQ Promo Pics für 6×05 „instant karma“ finden:
Solo SPOILER (6^ stagione) #1 – »Spoiler; – page 2428. September 2009 um 14:01 Uhr #200074–SemperFi–
MitgliedCouples TVGuide.com Users Want to See Hook Up
House and Cuddy (Hugh Laurie and Lisa Edelstein), House
„Oh my god, House and Cuddy need to do it (for real this time please)! All that bickering, sexual banter and chemistry can only result in some hot love-making. Besides, I think they would be really good together — you know, the kind of ‚dysfunctional good.'“ — siiimise
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