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22. September 2009 um 3:04 Uhr #155296
Gastauf FOX FLASH gibt es die ersten Promo-Bilder für 6×04 „The Tyrant“ (leider nur klein)
22. September 2009 um 3:13 Uhr #155297–SemperFi–
MitgliedHouse – Episode 6×03 Epic Fail – New Promo
House – Episode 6.02 Epic Fail – Canadian Promo
Bitte zu den konkreten Artikeln auf Spoiler TV verlinken, nicht nur zur Hauptseite. Danke!
22. September 2009 um 6:20 Uhr #155291Stephie
MitgliedKorbi interviewt Jesse Spencer: Jesse Spencer is back to work full-time, Chase is too
Und noch mehr zu Chase, Taub und dem Rest der Gang bei Watch with Kristin: Spoiler Chat: House Star Jesse Spencer Spills About His Character’s „Dodgy Doctoring“
22. September 2009 um 8:44 Uhr #155233Anonym
Gastjetzt sind die Bilder für 6×04 auch größer da : Spoiler TV: House – Episode 6.04 – The Tyrant – Promotional Photos
22. September 2009 um 8:56 Uhr #15521022. September 2009 um 16:48 Uhr #154454Stephie
MitgliedBarbara Barnett interviewt Garrett Lerner und Russel Friend: House, M.D. Executive Producer/Writers Garrett Lerner and Russel Friend on the Premiere and Hugh Laurie
Und etwas von freelancer__ auf Twitter zu Folge 6×09, das mich aufhorchen lassen hat:
Folks, I rather wait until I read the actual script before answering questions about ep 9. However, I can anticipate a few things that stood out: there’s the usual C/C drama, a storyline around Taub and something that’s going to please a certain fanbase: House says the L word.
It is definitely LOVE.
He means it.23. September 2009 um 7:11 Uhr #151163Anonym
Gast23. September 2009 um 7:11 Uhr #151198Anonym
Gast23. September 2009 um 13:50 Uhr #146168Anonym
GastWilson wird aus Ambers Apartment ausziehen.
‚House‘ exclusive: Wilson moves on (and you’ll never guess with who)! | Ausiello | EW.com
23. September 2009 um 13:50 Uhr #146226Anonym
GastWilson wird aus Ambers Apartment ausziehen.
‚House‘ exclusive: Wilson moves on (and you’ll never guess with who)! | Ausiello | EW.com
23. September 2009 um 15:31 Uhr #145701rolliraserin
MitgliedIch hoffe das gibts noch net, hab extra geschaut
23. September 2009 um 15:31 Uhr #145789rolliraserin
MitgliedIch hoffe das gibts noch net, hab extra geschaut
23. September 2009 um 19:38 Uhr #144345vanyx
Mitglied@Stephie 920292 wrote:
Barbara Barnett interviewt Garrett Lerner und Russel Friend: House, M.D. Executive Producer/Writers Garrett Lerner and Russel Friend on the Premiere and Hugh Laurie
Und etwas von freelancer__ auf Twitter zu Folge 6×09, das mich aufhorchen lassen hat:
Folks, I rather wait until I read the actual script before answering questions about ep 9. However, I can anticipate a few things that stood out: there’s the usual C/C drama, a storyline around Taub and something that’s going to please a certain fanbase: House says the L word.
It is definitely LOVE.
He means it.Dazu wurd grade was neues von freelancer__ getwittert.
Just so you guys don’t accuse me of being a tease, the L word IS about Cuddy. He doesn’t say it TO her, though.
23. September 2009 um 19:38 Uhr #144412vanyx
Mitglied@Stephie 920292 wrote:
Barbara Barnett interviewt Garrett Lerner und Russel Friend: House, M.D. Executive Producer/Writers Garrett Lerner and Russel Friend on the Premiere and Hugh Laurie
Und etwas von freelancer__ auf Twitter zu Folge 6×09, das mich aufhorchen lassen hat:
Folks, I rather wait until I read the actual script before answering questions about ep 9. However, I can anticipate a few things that stood out: there’s the usual C/C drama, a storyline around Taub and something that’s going to please a certain fanbase: House says the L word.
It is definitely LOVE.
He means it.Dazu wurd grade was neues von freelancer__ getwittert.
Just so you guys don’t accuse me of being a tease, the L word IS about Cuddy. He doesn’t say it TO her, though.
24. September 2009 um 3:50 Uhr #142734–SemperFi–
MitgliedQuestion: Rumor has it House tells Cuddy he loves her in this season’s ninth episode. Is this for real? Or is someone pulling a fast one? —Reina
Ausiello: I can confirm that, as it stands now, House tells someone he loves Cuddy.Question: Is it true we’ll meet Cuddy’s sister in the Thanksgiving episode? —Danica
Ausiello: She factors into the story somehow, but we don’t actually meet her. Does that make sense?Question: I loved your interview with Lisa Edelstein on the Emmy red carpet. Do you know how many episodes Michael Weston’s character, Lucas, will be around on House? —Reana
Ausiello: More than one but less than 80.Quelle: Ask Ausiello
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