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3. Februar 2009 um 23:01 Uhr #208920
MitgliedMist, du warst wieder mal schneller. Wollte diese Neuigkeiten auch gerade reinkopieren, weil ich sie so interessant fand.
Drei wirklich interessante POTWs! Also ich finde, das klingt fantastisch. Und ich weiß wirklich nicht, was davon interessanter klingt. Ich will nicht euphorisch werden, aber zumindest die Storylines, Patienten und angekündigten Events von 5×15 bis 5×24 machen mich happy. Ich bin wirklich ganz begeistert.
5×14 habe ich leider noch nicht sehen können, wird aber nachgeholt.
4. Februar 2009 um 9:12 Uhr #208927Our House
MitgliedFind ich auch.
Extrem interessante Neuigkeiten.Ich bin mir nur nicht sicher, ob ich das erste richtig verstehe.
Was ganz genau bedeutet „Who has no censor“ und „frontal lobe disinhibition“ (einfache laienhafte Erklärung würde genügen)
4. Februar 2009 um 11:24 Uhr #208936Dr. Crusher
MitgliedHmm, ich verstehe auch nur so viel, dass der Patient wohl kein Blatt vor den Mund nimmt, und „disinhibition“ heißt Enthemmung. Bei ihm ist es aber wohl, weil mit seinem Gehirn irgendwas nicht stimmt, während House – naja, wissen wir ja. Hier ein bisschen mehr dazu bei – richtig, Wikipedia
Der liebe Ausiello hat noch etwas mehr zu der Frau mit der spooky cat:
Question: I wanted to float a theory I had concerning the possible return of Amber (Anne Dudek) to House. Now, I’m no expert, but you reported on a „cataclysmic“ event that will occur on the show, and Hugh Laurie said something about it mainly taking place in House’s head. I think maybe that has something to do with Dudek’s resurfacing. Pure speculation, but it seems she’ll return in some sort of dream or hallucination sequence and not (fingers crossed) as a ghost. — Cory
Ausiello: I can neither confirm nor deny your theory, but it makes sense to me. Also making sense is the show’s decision to hire the wonderfully wacky Judy Grier to guest star as an upcoming patient-of-the-week. She’ll play a woman who claims a cat predicted her death, because said cat only sleeps next to people who croak. That’s my Judy!Versteh ich das richtig, die Frau behauptet, ihre Katze schläft nur neben Leuten, die bald sterben werden? ?(
So, dann verzieh ich mich mal in den Spekulations-Thread :baby:4. Februar 2009 um 15:02 Uhr #208959Dakota
MitgliedTV Guide
Mega Buzz on HouseQuote:House is my favorite show, but I am getting sick of this season’s Thirteen-centered storylines. When will we see more of Wilson, who has been woefully underused? — Gillian
MATT: Personally, I’m (Olivia) Wilde for Thirteen, partly because her portrayer gives great quotes on the red carpet (and, ahem, is definitely not chilly). But I hear your woe, and can promise that Robert Sean Leonard has meaty stuff coming up later this season, only some of which has to do with Wilson’s long-lost brother. Also, for what it’s worth (and as hinted at this week), we’ll also be spending a bit more time with Peter Jacobson’s Taub.
Quelle tvguide.com
TV Guide Magazine News Feed
A (No) Clothes Call In Store For House, CuddyQuote:Talk about bedside manners! After years of teasing fans, it sounds like House and Cuddy are about to slip between the sheets on House by the end of this season.“I’m obviously apprehensive,” Hugh Laurie told TV Guide Magazine. “I care very much that it’s done right.” Speaking at this year’s Screen Actors Guild Awards, where he won the prize as best dramatic TV actor, Laurie joked that he’s finally exercising the “no clothes“ clause in his contract.
This has co-star Lisa Edelstein (Cuddy) concerned. “I’m hitting the gym!,” she explained. “I’ve never had a sex scene before and I can’t imagine there being one on House. Maybe they’ll just talk about having done it. They’re lonely job-oriented people so they’ll figure out their own way of dealing with each other, but I can’t imagine it working out.”
— Will Keck
Quelle tvguidemagazine.com
5. Februar 2009 um 14:19 Uhr #209086Lisa CuddyEdelstein
MitgliedMaybe they’ll just talk about having done it.
Neeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiin!!!! ;(;(
Zeigen! Wir wollen den Sex doch sehen. 8oIch bin froh, dass wir bald mehr von Wilson sehen, er ist so ein wunderbarer Charakter und Hilson ist einfach immer genial.
5. Februar 2009 um 14:57 Uhr #209092Anonym
GastRobert Sean Leonard Interview auf spoiler tv:
House – Spoilers: Robert Sean Leonard Interview
ist zwar nichts wirklich neues, aber… schadet ja nicht
und die Besetzung der kommenden Patienten:
5. Februar 2009 um 17:44 Uhr #209105Dr_Remy_Hadley
MitgliedHm, den letzten Teil des Interviews (Bruder) ist doch schon älter, oder nicht?
Das mit Olivia Wilde ist niedlich.
„oh… Olivia Wilde… that s sort of… hot“
6. Februar 2009 um 20:52 Uhr #209213Dr. Crusher
MitgliedNix wirklich Neues, aber Kristin hat ihren Senf zu den 5×15-Sneak-Peeks dazugegeben:
On House/Cuddy:
Quote: Methinks House (Hugh Laurie) doth protest too much in the clip above. If he doesn’t show up for Cuddy’s (Lisa Edelstein) baby’s party by the end, I’ll eat my shoe. Indeed, House and Cuddy are moving forward in their romance, baby party or no baby party. As show runner David Shore says about the hot-and-cold running love affair, „We’re taking it slow, and as we did with that kiss, we want to find ways to do it our way, to do it a House-type way.“
On Foreteen:
Quote: House, you old Scrooge! As Olivia Wilde says, „House doesn’t make workplace romance any easier. He likes it when everyone’s not getting along, so then they compete. He doesn’t like it when everyone’s chummy, not to mention sleeping with each other. So it’s going to be hard for [Foreteen].“
Quelle7. Februar 2009 um 17:12 Uhr #209288Our House
MitgliedNeues von House vs. Obama:
Es könnte sein, dass uns ein noch länger House-Entzug bevorsteht, als erwartet: TVGuide berichtet:
White House vs. House: President Shakes Up Monday TV – Today’s News: Our Take | TVGuide.com
Quote:This news conference may be but the first of three prime-time outings for Obama over the next three weeks. At this time, he is planning a Feb. 16 TV appearance to talk up the economic stimulus package, and on Feb. 24 he will deliver a State of the Union-esque speech to a joint session of Congress.Immerhin ist der 24.2. ein Dienstag. Wenn das so bleibt, sehen wir „Unfaithful“ erst am 23.2.
Mal sehen.
7. Februar 2009 um 17:17 Uhr #209289House Cuddy
MitgliedDas ist ja blöd. Jetzt ist meine ganze Dr.House-Planung durcheinander geraten. Aber dann verringern sich wenigstens andere Pausen zwischen House-Episoden.
Ich möchte ‚Unfaithful‘ „schon“ am 16. Februar sehen ;(
9. Februar 2009 um 16:48 Uhr #209488Dr_Remy_Hadley
MitgliedAlso gibt es heute eine neue House Folge? Ich hoffe doch!
9. Februar 2009 um 17:11 Uhr #209494_HouseMD
Mitglied@Dr_Remy_Hadley 741423 wrote:
Also gibt es heute eine neue House Folge? Ich hoffe doch!
Nein! Das stand doch überall deutlich geschrieben: Bei SpoilerTV, im News, Gerüchte & Spoiler-Thema und im Episodenthema von ‚Unfaithful‘.
Wenn wir Glück haben, geht es nächste Woche weiter.Latest From Korbi
With the American economy in serious trouble and the Senate’s vote on the stimulus plan coming up Tuesday, President Obama will be the main event in television tonight, knocking House off the schedule for his first primetime news conference as our Commander in Chief. But for those who can’t handle the week hiatus from Princeton Plainsboro, I’ve got a little House fix. The show’s fearless leaders, executive producers David Shore and Katie Jacobs took a little time to answer the questions of KTV reporter, Marisa Roffman. And though they were quite coy talking about what’s to come, I get the feeling — from this interview and what I’ve been hearing elsewhere — that there are some major developments in store as we move toward the end of the season… moves that could maybe even make Cameron and Chase fans happy again.
You’ve just celebrated the 100 episode mark. Does it feel like a lifetime ago that you first started the show?
David Shore: It actually doesn’t seem like forever. It seems like it was just last week that we did the pilot.
Katie Jacobs: It does! Once you go in, and you’re picked up, you’re kind of like this [gestures wildly] the whole time.
DS: Continuously. We’ve been continuously going, what next? what next?, for five years. [And then] you kind of sit back and go, oh my God, 100 episodes. It’s gone by fast.The show has such a solid following that the audience is finding it wherever it is, as evidenced by the most recent move to Monday nights.
DS: Unfortunately, that’s true.
KJ: That [time slot] is not our first choice.
DS: I’d rather be at nine o’clock: larger audience, more adult. But it’s not our call, and thank goodness we’re doing okay.
KJ: We just focus on making a good show, and hopefully the audience will stick with us.House has some of the most fascinating medical cases on TV. What’s coming up?
DS: Thank you for asking about that, rather than who is sleeping with who on the show. You know what? I love our cases. The cases allow us to explore who we are as people and who House is as a person and who the team is as people, literally. We look for cases that allow us to say something about House and allow House to do something that says something about him. If we don’t have that, we don’t have an episode. And we have some interesting cases coming up where patients have brain injuries that allow arguably their real self to come out, and [the team has to ask] who are we really? [Laughs] It’s boring, you’re right, ask me who’s sleeping with who!Yes, the characters‘ love lives, I have to at least ask…
KJ: What would you want to see?I’m much more interested in getting your take on them.
DS: We are going to continue doing what we’ve always done which is [to take] one step forward, two steps back or two steps forward, one step back.With all the couples?
DS: With all the couples. It’s all about exploring. There’s a theme to the episodes. One of the things we try and do on this show, whether you’re talking about the medical cases — which again, thank you for asking about them — or the relationships, is explore humanity… what makes us human, how we react to situations, the nature of right and wrong in relationships and in medical treatment. And when things go wrong, what do we do and how do we rise above it? That’s a very vague answer, but that really is how we try and do it. What situations can we throw them in to explore some aspects of our humanity and House’s pursuit of happiness? And how bad can he screw that up?There has been a lot of concern about the lack of Chase and Cameron airtime since the new team showed up. What do you want to say their fans?
KJ: You know, all I can say is they matter to us deeply. I know a lot of the fans have thought that maybe they had become irrelevant and they haven’t. To us, they really do belong in the fabric of the show and as we go on, they will continue to be an important part of the fabric of the show.
DS: These interviews are a constant battle of me wanting my audience to be completely surprised by everything that we have planned and at the same time to satisfy their understandable curiosity. And thank God they have a curiosity. As I’ve said before, although our use of [Cameron and Chase] has been limited, I’ve been happy with what we have done with them and would like to find ways to use more of them. We are continuing to pursue that.
KJ: But it’s going to come out of what is organic to the story. They had a three year fellowship, and how long can you really work beside House without quitting or getting fired or resigning or killing him? [Their new positions] felt like an organic move. We weren’t trying to pull any punches.
DS: We were just trying to be true to our world.
KJ: True to who House is and what that meant. And we’re going to continue and try to be true to that experience and where that might go.Source: Zap2IT
9. Februar 2009 um 18:49 Uhr #209502Dr. Crusher
MitgliedOh, neue Spoiler! Ich hatte schon Entzugserscheinungen
Okay, soo wirklich neu ist das ja jetzt nicht, aber im Großen und Ganzen klingt das doch gut. Vor allem das mit den medical cases und Chase & Camerom. Würde sagen gute Aussichten für Season 6
9. Februar 2009 um 19:53 Uhr #209512Our House
MitgliedNicht viel Neues aber trotzdem ein nettes Interview.
Mir gefällt, was DS über die medizinischen Fälle sagt und wie sie versuchen diese so zu wählen, dass wir daraus etwas über house und die anderen Personen erfahren können. Ist bis jetzt meistens recht gut gelungen.DS: „It’s boring, you’re right, ask me who’s sleeping with who!“
10. Februar 2009 um 12:48 Uhr #209542Dr. Crusher
MitgliedAus einem anderen Interview mit David Shore:
TVG: In the 100th episode, we’re seeing characters moving forward. Forman and 13 are moving forward with their relationship, Wilson is moving forward with his life after the death of his girlfriend…and House and Cuddy are moving towards having sex. You’ve said in the press that they will sleep together this season, is that right?
DS: I said something was going to happen this season, but I was marginally misquoted. I said that we are moving forward, we have figured out that something is going to happen this year.
TVG: Obviously you’re aware of the pitfalls of having these two hook up. You’ve thought this through, right?
DS: I hope so! Again, we’re not mapping out 12 episodes; we’re mapping out six or seven. We’re trying to take it slow and do it in a real way, and we’re trying to be true to this character. I think when it does happen, the way that we handle it will surprise people and I think it’s interesting. At least, it’s interesting to me, and I hope the audience finds it as interesting as I do.Das ganze Interview ist hier.
Ja was denn nun? Ich dachte das Interview von vor ein paar Wochen, wo er über den Huddy-Sex gesprochen hat, wäre definitiv? Und jetzt relativiert er es wieder? Ich blick hier langsam nicht mehr durch. Das sind irgendwie alles nur Bruchstücke, die sich entweder ständig wiederholen oder widersprechen ?(
Außerdem find ich es etwas seltsam, dass er sagt, Hugh Laurie ist nur so gut wie die Leute, mit denen er spielt. Ist Shore etwa eingeschnappt, dass der gesamte Cast den SAG-Award nicht gewonnen hat? Dann sollte er sich mal überlegen, woran das liegt. Ich denke nämlich, Hugh hat zurecht nur allein gewonnen. Er trägt die Sendung. An ihn heran kommen vielleicht nur noch RSL und Lisa Edelstein, aber niemals der gesamte Cast. Und wenn er das ändern will, dann sollte er mal einen Weg finden, Drehbücher zu produzieren, die dem gesamten Cast die Gelegenheit geben, sein Können zu zeigen, und nicht nur einzelnen (nein, ich nenne jetzt keine Namen). Die Jury ist möglicherweise nämlich nicht ganz so dumm und ignorant wie er denkt. Sorry, ich bin gerade etwas irritiert…
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