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29. Januar 2009 um 10:07 Uhr #208273
GastNaja ich weiss nicht ob sie es so ernst meint. Vielleicht.
Ich könnte mir schon vorstellen, dass es einige Leute in Amerika stört, weil sie doch noch etwas engstirniger sind, was Homo- oder Bisexualität angeht. Daher würde ich es nicht ganz ausschliessen, dass sie teilweise recht hat, wenn sie das so sagt.29. Januar 2009 um 11:12 Uhr #208279Stephie
MitgliedSie lacht und meint es nicht ernst.
Sie sagt in dem Video auch noch ein bisschen mehr darüber, wie sie sich Thirteens Zukunft vorstellt und dass irgendwann vielleicht auch ihre Symptome ein Teil der Show werden könnten, was House in irgendeiner Weise zum Handeln zwingen könnte. Aber alles nur Vermutungen und keine konkreten Spoiler.
„Behave, Olivia, behave.“
29. Januar 2009 um 22:25 Uhr #208337Kathrina
MitgliedOK, ich mag zwar Olivia und 13, kann sogar mit ’14‘ etwas anfangen, aber zu viel ist zu viel. Das heisst, ich erwarte von ihrem Charakter, dass sie 95% Ärztin ist, und vielleicht alle 3-4 Episoden irgend etwas (wenig) von ihrer Krankheit nach ‚aussen‘ dringt. Kein medizinisches Team kann sich leisten, so viel Gewicht auf die ‚privaten Probleme‘ einer Assistenzärztin zu legen.
House selber ist interessant, bei ihm darf auch mehr ‚privates‘ druchsickern. Wilson und Cuddy: dito. Etwas Nebengeschichte, ja. aber ‚House‘ ist nicht ER, da verträgt es halt weniger ‚Nebendrama‘. Die dramaturgische Grundregel wird auch missachtet: Ein etabliertes Teammitglied erkrankt plötzlich: Ein Drama. Immer spannend. Aber ein neues Teammitglied bekommt die Stelle trotz einer terminalen degenerativen Erkrankung: Das Drama darf nicht zu früh kommen! Zeigen, ad Akta legen, erst später thematisieren! Wir halten sicher keine 6 Jahre Dauerdrama mit 13 aus.
.31. Januar 2009 um 13:41 Uhr #208474Dr. Crusher
MitgliedNeue Casting Calls:
Here is another casting call that we’ve just received for an episode that will film between the 9th and 20th of February.
[BRAHMIN / PUNDIT] Male, East Indian, we want authentic Hindu priests that chant the Vedas…CO-STAR
Here is a new casting that has just been sent out for an episode that will film Mid – End of March
[DANCER] – Female, 19-25, Caucasian, actresses with BALLET experience is a must, GUEST STAR
Hmm… Lohnt es sich schon, wegen des Staffelfinales zu spekulieren?
Oh und mal ne andere Frage: Wie sieht denn eigentlich der Sendeplan für House die nächsten Monate aus? Ist da nicht noch ne Pause irgendwann im Februar-März?31. Januar 2009 um 13:55 Uhr #208475_HouseMD
Mitglied5×14 – 02. Februar
5×15 – 09. Februar
5×16 – 16. Februar
(massive Pause)
5×17 – 09. MärzDie Pause nach 5×16 ist echt extrem lang. Besser wäre es vielleicht gewesen, nach 5×14 eine zweiwöchige und dann nach 5×16 auch wieder eine zweiwöchige Pause einzubauen, aber egal.
31. Januar 2009 um 15:38 Uhr #208486Dr_Remy_Hadley
MitgliedWieso diese lange Pause? Hab ich was nicht mitbekommen?
2. Februar 2009 um 17:00 Uhr #208768vanyx
MitgliedNeues von Korbi
Quote:Jesse Spencer Won’t Be On Tonight’s ‚House‘ But We’ve Got Him Here…[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Before we all get our panties in a bunch over the exclusion of Jesse Spencer and Jennifer Morrison from [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]House
[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]’s 100th episode — which airs this evening — let us consider a couple things: While the situation does suck, tonight’s hour is nothing more than a standard ep of the show, just as executive producer David Shore intended. And as this fifth season continues, the promise of more Spencer-Morrison screen time looms. Jesse muses on these subjects, his fans and why he’s not a huge Chase-Cameron proponent with KTV reporter, Marisa Roffman…
So, everybody is celebrating the 100th episode, but you’re not in it.
Jesse Spencer: It’s not a special episode. It just happens to be the 100th episode.Even if it isn’t a „special“ episode, you’ve got very passionate fans who will be really disappointed by your absence. They’ve been asking to see you more.
[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]JS: Oh really? That’s awesome, that’s really cool. I hope they still like the show. I assume they do because the numbers are up. So they’re still watching. So that’s a good thing.Will we be seeing you more in the future?
JS: Yeah, yeah. I think so. I think there’s going to be more stuff at the end of season five, start of season six. Actually, I can say that’s pretty definite. I haven’t seen [the scripts] yet. I don’t know what it will be exactly. I just know I’m going to be involved in a more substantial way in the episodes to come.We saw Cameron briefly take on Cuddy’s job. Might we see Chase more involved with the team, even temporarily?
JS: Am I going to be taking Foreman’s place? [Laughs] No, it’s going to be nothing like that. They haven’t told me specifically what it is, which is smart of them, because otherwise I’d just tell you. I just know I’m going to be around more. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]If you had to guess…
JS: It’s probably going to be Chase/Cameron stuff.[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Maybe furthering the Chase/Cameron relationship?
JS: Or destroying it. Maybe they’ll destroy it. Maybe they’ll break us up.Fans seem to have a fondness for this couple, because we’ve been watching Chase and Cameron grow into this relationship for the past five years.
JS: I know a lot of people want more relationship stuff, but I’m not a fan of it. If it’s pertinent to the show — and we are essentially a procedural drama — I don’t mind it. But if it’s just Chase and Cameron going bowling, who cares? As soon as you get away from that procedural element and start worrying about relationships between the characters too much, I think it gets soapy… for lack of a better term. We don’t want to do that. I think our show works best when we rely and focus on what the show is, which is House and the procedural element and how these characters are involved in that.Since we are celebrating the 100th episode today, what would you say is the biggest change Chase has undergone since the pilot?
JS: Wow. The biggest change? I think it’s just the seasoning of all the characters. Since season four, [Chase, Cameron and Foreman] have been in different areas and I think it’s just matured them more than anything. It’s given them a sense of self-worth. Being under House is like being under a dictator more or less — a good one, it’s kind of the dictator you’d want to be under if you’re going to be under one — but I think over the four years, they did become more confident and found out who they are a bit more. We’re becoming more like House over time, except our characters always seem to have [better] bedside manner, I think, than House. [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]But I kind of like the position that Chase [has been] in for the past couple of years. It’s a different energy, not being in the differentials and doing something else. Sort of being on the sidelines, and if House needs something, Chase is more than likely going to do it for him and get the job done. Being on the side, it’s more of an even level than before. [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I think everyone has a role to play and it’ll be interesting to see where it goes.[/FONT]2. Februar 2009 um 17:55 Uhr #208772Galug
MitgliedDanke vanyx – ein sehr interessantes Interview.
Wow – wie sehr die Schauspieler sich doch in die Rollen hineinversetzen(siehe letzten Abschnitt) – das ist schon der Wahnsinn.
Und jaaa! Mehr Chase! Egal – und wie auch immer – immer her damit!2. Februar 2009 um 19:38 Uhr #208789Dr. Crusher
MitgliedSo, also ich hab mir mal einen vorläufigen „Sendeplan“ der restlichen Folgen von Staffel 5 zusammengebastelt; habs auch schon im Spekulations-Thread gepostet, aber vielleicht isses hier besser aufgehoben ?(
Also, wie _HouseMD schon schrieb, laufen erstmal:
5×14 – 02. Februar
5×15 – 09. Februar
5×16 – 16. Februar
(massive Pause)
5×17 – 09. MärzJemand bei House’s House of Whining hat gepostet, dass die „Sweeps“ (ich weiß zwar nicht genau was das heißt, nehme aber mal an, das sind sowas wie „heiße Phasen“ bei denen ganz spannende Sachen in der Glotze laufen?? ?( ) vom 5. März bis 1. April sind; also bekommen wir in diesem Zeitraum folgende Episoden:
5×17 – 9. März
5×18 – 16. März
5×19 – 23. März
5×20 – 30. MärzDann müsste also, wie ich vermutet habe, im April die längere Pause kommen, und vom 23. April bis 20. Mai sind die nächsten „Sweeps“, das heißt wir bekommen dann:
5×21 – 27. April
5×22 – 4. Mai
5×23 – 11. Mai
und das Staffelfinale, 5×24, läuft dann am 18. Mai.2. Februar 2009 um 20:03 Uhr #208791Dr_Remy_Hadley
MitgliedSatan, dass mit den Pausen ist ja richtig massiv und relativ nervig… da müssen die Ammis ja aufpassen, dass wir in Deutschland nicht fast schneller mit dem Ausstrahlen sind.
2. Februar 2009 um 20:21 Uhr #208794Dr. Crusher
MitgliedWie ich schon vermutet habe, ist das alles Strategie… Die „Sweeps“ sind tatsächlich „heiße Phasen“, in denen Zuschauer mit extra-tollen Programminhalten angelockt werden sollen. Habs grad bei Wikipedia nachgelesen:
The term „sweeps“ has two meanings. One refers to how the diaries were handled by Nielsen Media when the ratings were first produced: They are mailed to the households and processed by starting on the East Coast and „sweeping“ across the nation. The other refers to television programming during the months of November, February, May and (of lesser importance) July, in which eagerly anticipated programs are deliberately scheduled in order to boost television ratings. Television networks and other programmers make unusual efforts to attract additional viewers during these periods, including broadcasting mostly original programming as opposed to repeats, showing more special broadcasts, and including special content in programming such as guest stars, controversial and unexpected plots or topics, extended episodes, finales, and increased competition in advertising. Even news programs are often involved, broadcasting especially controversial or titillating investigative reports and promotions. For this reason, the „sweeps“ system of national ratings has been criticized as not representative of typical programming, and encouraging an increase in content of concern such as violence and explicit sexuality. Outside of these peak periods it is more common to see reruns of television programs.
Ist wohl normal, dass die Staffeln von Serien auch dementsprechend zerstückelt werden. Hmm, den letzten Satz find ich interessant; die Sende-Inhalte werden aufgepeppt mit Gewalt und Sex… Also auf ersteres kann ich verzichten, aber wenn letzteres bedeutet, dass wir ne heiße Huddy-Szene bekommen…
2. Februar 2009 um 21:50 Uhr #208807Dakota
MitgliedWatch with Kristin
House Stars Spill Couples ScoopQuote:Will House and Cuddy get horizontal? Is Foreteen’s number up?
These are some of the burning questions you romance-minded House fans are dying to know, so to celebrate tonight’s big 100th episode on Fox, we went straight to Hugh Laurie, his costars and executive producer David Shore to get some inside scoop on the couplings.
Careful though, you might not like what you hear! Here are the heartbreakers the House crew revealed…
House and Cuddy Are Probably…(Sorry)…Doomed: First, the good news.Lisa Edelstein tells us there will be more nooky in the cards for her character, Cuddy, and House before the season ends. But before you Huddy fans get all excited and start scrawling „Dr. Lisa Cuddy-House“ all over your Trapper Keepers, you should know that ultimately, there probably won’t be any kind of romantic resolution.
„No,“ big boss Shore says flatly when asked if Cuddy and House will get a happy ending. „That’s too much to hope for. I mean, could they be together? Maybe. Could they be happy together? No, I don’t think so. They’re just both too complicated and too damaged for it to be a happy kind of ending.“
Lisa agrees. „I don’t think these two people are ever going to go into the sunset happily ever after,“ she tells me. „Their space is not a happy space.“
Still, Hugh insists that’s all rubbish. „As a viewer, I would want those two lonely characters to find some sort of peace.“
So, who’s right?
Foreman Is in Truhhh-ble: A little blinded by love/lust, Foreman (Omar Epps) slips Thirteen (Olivia Wilde) the real drugs in the Huntington’s trial, and Shore reveals that he won’t get away with it. „When people make mistakes,“ Shore says, „when people make decisions, when people take chances, there’s a price to be paid. If you’re prepared to pay a price, let’s see you pay that price a little bit. He’s going to pay a price.“
Ruh–roh. One possible upside? It sounds like all this cheatery could bring Foreteen closer together. „I think through that experience he realizes how much he actually cares for Thirteen,“ Omar tells me. „Still, because of her disease, the haul can only be for so long.“
Tragic, but true. And Olivia Wilde is far too aware of how easy it would be to off her. „Thirteen would be very easy to kill, not only with her disease, but she’s so self-destructive that she could throw herself under a bus or off a bridge at any moment, so you never know,“ says Wilde.
The Season Finale Will Be „Emotional“: „I think a lot of the stuff that’s been brought to a boil will have to go somewhere as far as the personal relationships, as far as House and the journey he’s been on this year with his own kind of transformation,“ says Wilde, which means we should get a resolution on everything that’s listed above.
According to Shore: „It’s going to be emotionally, just, big. It’s not going to be spectacular physically. The episode might not cost as much to film, but I think it will be just as interesting and just as satisfying.“
What do you think of the direction House is going in? Who are you rooting for?Quelle Watch with Kristin
Das vierte Video ist ein neuer Sneak Peek zu 5.14 ‚The Greater Good‘.
Entertainment Tonight
Hugh and Lisa on E!Hugh und Lisa im Passfotoautomaten.
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Screencaps Quelle marykir.com3. Februar 2009 um 9:44 Uhr #208818Cuddy3
MitgliedOh mein Gott!
Das ist so toll:D
Jetzt ist mein Morgen schon wieder gerettet^^
Die Bilder sind echt übelst schön geworden.
Irgendwie haben die doch immer Spaß wenn die irgendwas zusammen machen,oder?^^3. Februar 2009 um 9:46 Uhr #208819Cuddelstein
MitgliedEinsame klasse. Einfach irre die Beiden. Wunderbare Fotos. Warum kommt bei mir nichts sowas raus wenn ich mich in so einen Automaten setzte?
Könntet Ihr die Cuddelstein ggf. informieren wenn es die Bilder in etwas größer gibt? Danke8o8o Fall in love with this ship8o8o
3. Februar 2009 um 18:57 Uhr #208869Dr. Crusher
MitgliedAus der neuen TV Guide:
House (Casting) Calls
A series of patients will force Dr. House to take a cold hard look at his grinchy self this spring. On March 9 The Shield’s Jay Karnes plays a patient who has no censor. „He suffers from something called frontal lobe disinhibition,“ Hugh Laurie tells me. „He is almost a diseased reflection of House, who arguably suffers from the same condition. Although while this poor patient is tormented by the hurt he causes, House doesn’t care at all.“ Expect House to take advantage of this guy’s disability. Miss Guided alum Judy Greer pops up March 16 as a nurse desperate to tell House that a cat has predicted her death. But the big eye-opener into House’s warped psyche comes later, in a pivotal episode that will allow viewers to experience what it is like to be treated by Dr. House through the perspective of a patient played by rapper-actor Mos Def („Be Kind Rewind“).
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