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22. April 2013 um 8:52 Uhr #253176
MitgliedMr. Pip läuft ab 3. Oktober 2013 in den neuseeländischen Kinos. Das macht doch Hoffnung, dass wir ihn auch bald zu sehen bekommen :lächeln:
New Zealand will get the first chance to see the general release of Mr Pip, a movie starring Hugh Laurie and written by Wellington’s Lloyd Jones.
The movie, directed by New Zealander Andrew Adamson and shot on location in Bougainville, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand, will be generally released on October 3 in New Zealand.
A spokeswoman for Paramount Pictures confirmed New Zealand would be the first to see the film on general release.
While the film was premiered last year, it was hoped New Zealand would be able to host a premiere of its general release.
In September last year Mr Pip was selected to premiere in the „special presentation’“ section at the Toronto International Film Festival.
Kerry Doole, of Exclaim! magazine, called the movie ‘‘a powerful and poetic film’’ and said ‘‘the production values are of the highest order, as you’d expect with the participation of such Oscar-winning Lord of the Rings alumni as production designer Grant Major and costume designer Ngila Dickson’’.
An Iceberg Ink blog reviewer said he was truly affected by the movie.
‘‘I’d easily vote it as one of the best so far this year. Hopefully this comes out wide in release as I feel it’s a very important film . . . we need to take stock of the things we take for granted in Western society and how it affects the world.’’
Mister Pip tells the story of the last white man on the war-torn island of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, who reopens a school and inspires the pupils by reading them Charles Dickens‘ Great Expectations.
The film, retitled Mr Pip, stars House actor Hugh Laurie as the eccentric Mr Watts.
Quelle: Mr Pip Movie | New Zealand To Get First General… | Stuff.co.nz
22. April 2013 um 14:51 Uhr #253177MrsHouseWife
MitgliedIch bin schon soooo gespannt auf den Film und hoffe, das er auch in Deutschland gezeigt wird. :lächeln:
22. April 2013 um 17:16 Uhr #253178Yido87
MitgliedIch habe mir gerade den Trailer angeschaut und der Film scheint echt gut zu sein, ich fände es auch toll wenn er in Deutschland laufen würde
10. August 2013 um 17:34 Uhr #253413MrsHouseWife
Mitglied2 Clips von „Mr. Pip“
Videos and Trailers: Mr. Pip (2012)10. September 2013 um 16:44 Uhr #253446MrsHouseWife
Mitglied25. September 2013 um 18:38 Uhr #253459MsHousefan
MitgliedTaking Mr. Pip from page to screen – Entertainment – NZ Herald Videos
Interview mit Regisseur Andrew Adamson & Hugh Laurie.
1. Oktober 2013 um 19:43 Uhr #253463MrsHouseWife
MitgliedMr. Pip Clip – We All Need A Change Sometime
3. Oktober 2013 um 18:29 Uhr #253465MrsHouseWife
MitgliedInterview mit Hugh Laurie über „Mr. Pip“
Hugh Laurie: Taking the Pip – Personalities – NZ Herald News11. Dezember 2013 um 22:16 Uhr #253517Violett
TeilnehmerBBC News – Hugh Laurie named best actor at New Zealand film awards Hugh Laurie named best actor at New Zealand film awards
22. Januar 2014 um 18:11 Uhr #253537MrsHouseWife
Mitglied„Mr Pip“ kann man nun in Australien vorbestellen.
Bei DVDs Online | Buy DVDs & Blu Ray Movies & TV Shows – DVD Land ist die DVD Veröffentlichung am 10.03.2014. Region Code 4. Mr Pip DVD – DVD Land
Bei Video Ezy – Love Movies ist die DVD/Blue-ray Veröffentlichung am 12.03.2014.
DVD: Mr. Pip | Video Ezy (DVD Region Code 4)
Blue-ray: Mr. Pip | Video Ezy (Blue-ray Region Code B (UK, Europe, Oceania, Middle East, Africa)) -
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