Alles über Jesse Spencer

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    Fünfundzwanzig Dinge, die wir noch nicht über Jesse wussten!

    25 Things You Don’t Know About Me: Jesse Spencer

    House star Jesse Spencer, 30, (his Fox drama airs Monday at 8 p.m. E.T.) shares the 25 things you don’t know about him.

    1. I cook a mean spag bog (spaghetti Bolognese).
    2. I’ve just planted a cactus garden to save on watering.
    3. You may call me a hoarder. I keep things others wouldn’t. I call it recycling.
    4. I play the didgeridoo using circular breathing.
    5. I love getting back into nature. If I don’t do it for a while, I resort to drinking instead.
    6. I recently did a 2-mile pier-to-pier swim. Open-water swimming scares the hell out of me.
    7. Since then, I’ve become excited about doing stupid things such as a 100-mile bike ride through Big Sur and the Vegas Marathon.
    8. Eight is my lucky number.
    9. I have an addictive personality.
    10. I’m self-taught at piano.
    11. The band I play violin for, Band From TV, has raised more than $2 million for various charities, including the Indiana University Kenya Partnership, which fights HIV/AIDS.
    12. I hate staying in resorts. When I go on holiday, I like to stay in crappy places with great surf.
    13. When I was a kid, we had a pet sheep, a kangaroo and a magpie.
    14. I’m converting my Datsun 240z into an electric car.
    15. I’ve been arrested by the Bangkok police.
    16. Soggy bread makes me gag.
    17. I’m a big believer in public broadcasting.
    18. I’ll eat the weird stuff no one wants to. Bugs, mystery meat — bring it on!
    19. Germaphobes bug the hell out of me.
    20. I can’t dress myself to save my soul. I’ll wear the same T-shirt till it falls off.
    21. I have a boxing gym in my garage.
    22. When I was younger, my siblings and I were Dungeons & Dragons addicts.
    23. I’m gonna learn to play the bagpipes. I like things that others find extremely uncool.
    24. My dad breeds ferrets.
    25. I love a game of chess.


    Interessant, dass er als Australier nicht gern im Meer schwimmt! :D
    Und der Boxring in der Garage ist so cool! Ob er da mit Hugh trainiert? LOL! Das mit dem Dudelsack spielen finde ich extem gut. Und die Sauberkeitsfanatiker in Punkt 19 kann ich auch gut nachvollziehen, hihi!


    Jesse hätte am 19. Juni bei einem Surfevent am Huntington Beach/CA teilnehmen sollen, wo Promis für den guten Zweck und für die Umwelt surfen. Leider hat er sich offenbar beim Surfen in Neuseeland verletzt und momentan läuft er wie House am Stock! Armer Kerl. Das Surfen fällt wohl damit ins Wasser.

    yeah, but I won’t be surfin :( injured


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