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8. November 2006 um 14:40 Uhr #11847
HOUSE: Episode 3.11 will be titled ‚Words and Deeds.‘ In this episode, the team deals with a fireman named Derek, who began having strange symptoms, such as being freezing, while fighting a fire. They diagnose him as having a bacterial infection and male menopause, and give him some medicine which causes an allergic reaction, making him become violent. He then begins having heart attacks so the team continues to brainstorm. They think they have finally figured out what is causing his symptoms and do a procedure which causes him to lose most of his memory, including his family and his firefighting training. Meanwhile, House is in court, pleading not guilty, with the same lawyer (Howard Gemeiner) as from episode 3.06, regarding gaining control of medication by fraud. He then is in rehab, where he takes up smoking in place of his opiate addiction. Lt. Mike Tritter has been investigating House and when previously suggesting rehab, House threw him out of his office. When the team calls House in the middle of his trial, he gets up and walks out, causing the judge to hold him in contempt when he returns after consulting at the hospital with his team. After a surprise revelation from Cuddy, the charges are dropped, then House is taken into custody to spend the night in jail for his contempt charge.
11. November 2006 um 13:06 Uhr #119201Houselover
MitgliedHouse und rauchen und Drogenmißbrauch: na da werden sich die Amis wohl riesig freuen.
Mehr anecken geht kaum.
Bin auch sehr gespannt, welche Rolle genau Cuddy bei dem Freispruch spielt und ob Tritter von da an Ruhe geben wird, denn er hat schließlich den Kampf mit House verloren.
Welche Enthüllung gibt sie da preis? Über House oder über Tritter? Beides ist möglich.
Toll stelle ich mir die Szene vorn, in welcher House den Gerichtssaal verlässt. Entweder hat er die Schnauze wirklich gestrichen voll, oder er ist ein super Arzt und nimmt lieber Haft in Kauf, nur um sich um einen Patienten zu kümmern.11. November 2006 um 13:17 Uhr #119204House MD
MitgliedQuote:Original von Houselover
House und rauchen und Drogenmißbrauch: na da werden sich die Amis wohl riesig freuen.
Mehr anecken geht kaum.
Bin auch sehr gespannt, welche Rolle genau Cuddy bei dem Freispruch spielt und ob Tritter von da an Ruhe geben wird, denn er hat schließlich den Kampf mit House verloren.
Welche Enthüllung gibt sie da preis? Über House oder über Tritter? Beides ist möglich.
Toll stelle ich mir die Szene vorn, in welcher House den Gerichtssaal verlässt. Entweder hat er die Schnauze wirklich gestrichen voll, oder er ist ein super Arzt und nimmt lieber Haft in Kauf, nur um sich um einen Patienten zu kümmern.Ich glaube er verlässt auf beiden Gründen das Gericht ^^
Hier hab ich noch nen neuen Spoiler House/Cam Shipper wirds freuen, Cam umarmt House.
Originally Posted by House/Cameron: Dysfunction Junction Livejournal
Anybody curious about this hug between House and Cameron that has been intriguing House/Cameron fans everywhere…this may help explain it a little more…
Well….this all kinda ties into everything that’s gonna happen over November Sweeps. We know House was busted. Tritter’s a ****. In the next episode Tritter searches House’s…house() and finds a bunch of pills. House has been forging scrips from Wilson’s scrip pad. Wilson bails House out, but he is later questioned by Tritter, and to protect House, LIES. Basically, without giving too much away, this storyline really tests everyone’s trust and loyalty to House. Everyone is grilled over what’s going on because Tritter is trying to truly put House away. The episode that this „hug“ happens in is when House goes on trial. I believe the charge is that he was obtaining his scrips by fraud. Because he’s dragged Wilson into it by Wilson lying to him (they freeze Wilson’s accounts while the investigation is underway), obviously Wilson is pissed. I’m not absolutely sure which episode it happens in, but House has a moment where he apologizes to Wilson for everything.
Now you have to understand that Cameron isn’t all sweet and loving to House during any of this. She pretty much thinks he’s made his bed and now it’s time to lie in it. She has no pity for him. During House’s trial he gets a phone call from the ducklings, who have a case during all of this, asking House for advice. House gets up and leaves the courtroom () and goes back to the hospital to do all that doctor stuff. They do their doctor thing and House send them off to run tests. Cameron hangs back and says that she heard that he had apologized to Wilson. House says something like „I was detoxing…wasn’t in my right mind.“ Ooops…forgot to add here that House is ordered into rehab because of all this, which takes place at PPTH. So during this whole ordeal House is in a lot of physical and emotional pain. Anyways, after he says that, Cameron gives him a hug. It’s described as „awkward“, so I really don’t know if it will come off as shippy or if it will just come off as sweet and supportive. But this is Jen and Hugh we’re talking about, who have great on-screen sexual chemistry together. Cameron hugging him is kind of her way of forgiving him for all the **** he has pulled.
I pretty much know exactly what’s gonna happen in the next batch of episodes leading up to House’s trial. Let me just say that it’s gonna be good. Keep in mind that these are SPOILERS, so this stuff might have changed by the time they film it.
I know that was kinda long-winded, but sort of necessary so you could understand WHY she is hugging him
12. Dezember 2006 um 10:50 Uhr #119862troja
Mitglied…das finde ich irgendwie enttäuschend. ein hug nach gewonnenem prozess – na toll!
;(12. Dezember 2006 um 12:25 Uhr #119863babsi801
Mitgliedwieso enttäuschend Troja ?
Ich glaube das kann eine wirklich emotionale und schöne Szene werden. Es passt wirklich an diese Stelle. Und nach einer ersten Umarmung fällt die nächste vielleicht leichter. *ganz stark auf mehr hoff*Bin jedenfalls sehr gespannt auf diese Folge und mir sicher dass wir diese Szene noch bejubeln werden
15. Dezember 2006 um 21:34 Uhr #119997Chezza
MitgliedAus dem Fox Forum (Link)
Courtesy of our friends at the Futon Critic…
David Morse Guest-Stars in Conclusion of Six-Episode Story Arc
House is forced to respond in court to the criminal charges against him regarding illegal possession of narcotics, and the judge sets a date for a preliminary hearing. Enough is enough for Cuddy, who insists that House apologize to Detective Tritter as a final attempt to stay out of jail, since he refused to respond to Tritters previous deal by the deadline. Meanwhile, the case of Derek Hoyt, a firefighter suffering from extreme body temperatures and disorientation, leads the team to believe their patient is suffering from an extreme hormone imbalance, but Derek has a violent reaction to their course of treatment, potentially causing serious bodily harm to Cameron in the process. Clearly distracted from Dereks case, House stuns the team when he makes a shocking revelation in an attempt to save himself from jail time. As Dereks condition worsens, the team must try to solve the mystery of his illness without Houses help, but information from Derek sends them in the wrong direction and leads Derek to choose a risky, radical treatment on his brain which, if he survives it, will kill the person he currently is in order to hide a secret hes not willing to reveal in the Words and Deeds episode of HOUSE airing Tuesday, Jan. 9 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (HOU-311) (TV-TBA)
Cast: Hugh Laurie as Dr. Gregory House; Lisa Edelstein as Dr. Lisa Cuddy; Omar Epps as Dr. Eric Foreman; Robert Sean Leonard as Dr. James Wilson; Jennifer Morrison as Dr. Allison Cameron; Jesse Spencer as Dr. Robert Chase.
Guest Cast: David Morse as Detective Michael Tritter; Tory Kittles as Derek; Meagan Good as Amy; Jason George as Brock; Kadeem Hardison as Howard; Brian Leckner as Ivan; Helen Carey as Judge Davis; Vyto Ruginis as Asst. Dist. Attorney Velez; Aulani Rhea as Nurse; Martin Mullen as Ennis; Zachary M. Lewis as Firefighter; Donald Sage Mackay as Neil; Terryn Westbrook as Sarah; Hira Ambrosino as Anethesiologist; Bobbin Bergstrom as Nurse.
15. Dezember 2006 um 22:40 Uhr #119999Anonym
GastQuote:Original von Chezza
As Dereks condition worsens, the team must try to solve the mystery of his illness without Houses help,…Mmh… noch eine Wilson-Episode wäre zu viel des Guten, oder?
Versteh ich das richtig? Derek (*lol* sorry…) belügt sie, führt die Untersuchungen in die falsche Richtung und muss letztendlich am Gehirn „operiert“ werden was zur Folge hat, dass er danach nicht mehr der ist, der er einmal war? Und das nur um irgendein Geheimnis nicht preisgeben zu müssen? Wow… mal ganz abgesehen, dass der Typ ’n Firefighter ist, klingt der Fall in der Hinsicht super interessant.
15. Dezember 2006 um 22:46 Uhr #120000Kinofreak
MitgliedHat irgendjemand hier schon nen Trailer zu der Episode gesehen? Bin leider noch nicht fündig geworden ;(
15. Dezember 2006 um 22:50 Uhr #120001babsi801
MitgliedHier der Link zm Trailer
15. Dezember 2006 um 22:55 Uhr #120002Kinofreak
Mitglied„I told you never to call me when I’m on trial“
Will das sehen! Jetzt! Sofort!
16. Dezember 2006 um 10:11 Uhr #120008Alexil
MitgliedHabt ihr die Umarmungsszene gesehen und die Szene, wo House auf der Bank liegt und irgendjemand ( denke mal Cuddy) sich über ihn beugt. DAS will ich sehen, aber SOFORT. Kann den 9.01. kaum mehr erwarten. Super spannend.
16. Dezember 2006 um 10:18 Uhr #120009Kinofreak
MitgliedJa, den Haaren nach könnte das Cuddy sein. Leider nicht wirklich gut zu erkennen.
Spannend, spannend, spannend, spannend, spannend, spannend, spannend, spannend, spannend, spannend, spannend, spannend, spannend, spannend, spannend, spannend, spannend, …..
16. Dezember 2006 um 10:38 Uhr #120011d.erda
MitgliedWenn man den Trailer sieht, dann will man auf jenden Fall wissen wie es weiter geht! Ich bin auch mal sehr gespannt!
16. Dezember 2006 um 11:47 Uhr #120016Anonym
GastQuote:Original von Kinofreak
Ja, den Haaren nach könnte das Cuddy sein. Leider nicht wirklich gut zu erkennen.Spannend, spannend, spannend, spannend, spannend, spannend, spannend, spannend, spannend, spannend, spannend, spannend, spannend, spannend, spannend, spannend, spannend, …..
Du sagst es.
Mir jagt diese Szene irgendwie… ich weiß auch nicht. *g* Ich find’s nicht so spannend, wer da bei ihm steht, sondern vielmehr, warum er da so liegt.
16. Dezember 2006 um 14:37 Uhr #120029Jim
MitgliedUiuiui, das kann ja spannend werden! Und die Person, die sich da über House beugt, dürfte vermutlich wirklich Cuddy sein. Aber wie Wylie schon sagte, der Grund, warum er da liegt, interessiert mich viel mehr
Und dann natürlich „the hug“…
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